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Forschen an der THD

Innovativ & Lebendig

ProtectIT Security Convention - ProSecCon.

Jährliche Veranstaltung

Jährlich findet am Donau Campus der Technischen Hochschule Deggendorf die "ProtectIT Security Convention - ProSecCon" statt.

Die eintägige Veranstaltung im September bietet Vertretern aus Industrie, Forschung und Wissenschaft eine Plattform zur Diskussion über neue Erkenntnisse und Lösungsansätze rund um aktuelle Themen der Cyber-Sicherheit.

Neben Vorträgen werden aktuelle Forschungsthemen und Ergebnisse anhand von Postern vorgestellt.

Die ProSecCon wird in englischer Sprache abgehalten.


Keynote from Ekaterina Rudina, Kaspersky Lab:

Trustworthy Internet of Things: Mission Possible

Shifting the focus from security to trustworthiness, survivability, dependability, and similar concepts characterizing IIoT system behavior is one of the current trends. These concepts determine the varying sets of basic characteristics and requirements for the IIoT system such as security, safety, reliability, and others. The complicated concepts must also address the dependencies and inconsistencies of the separate aspects of IIoT system behavior.

The keynote will approach understanding the place and role of trustworthiness in ubiquitous IoT scenarios and technologies used to implement them. Will the trustworthiness replace security, safety, reliability and other concerns regarding IoT, or this is just one of the current trends and the well-recognized approaches should not change? And what does it mean to build a trustworthy IoT?



12:15 - 13:00:   Check-In

13:00 - 13:15:   Welcome

13:15 - 13:55:   Keynote: Trustworthy Internet of Things: Mission Possible

Ekaterina Rudina, Kaspersky Lab

13:55 - 14:25:   AUTOSAR Classic Platform / AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform: Architecture Comparison with regards to Security Concepts

Thomas Dirscherl, AVL Software and Functions GmbH

14:25 - 14:55:   Break

14:55 - 15:25:   Towards an Effective Security Engineering Process for Cyber-Physical Systems - A Research Proposal

Andreas Aigner, Landshut University of Applied Sciences

15:25 - 15:55:   Mastering the Art of Cyber Threat Intelligence

Markus Auer, ThreatQuotient Inc.

15:55 - 16:25:   Break

16:25 - 16:55:   Securing Optival Networks against Quantum Attacks

Joo Cho, ADVA Optical Networking

16:55 - 17:25:   Towards Quantum-resistant Virtual Private Networks

Daniel Loebenberger, Fraunhofer AISEC / OTH Amberg-Weiden

17:25 - 18:00:   Networking & End


Partners / Sponsors:

We are happy to announce, that the Zentrum Digitalisierung.Bayern (ZD.B) is official partner of the ProtectIT Security Convention 2019. The ZD.B is a platform for research, collaboration, and entrepreneurship focussed on strengthening digital competences in Bavaria and fostering collaborations between industry and research on key topics in this area. For more information about the ZD.B please click on following link: https://zentrum-digitalisierung.bayern/

Furthermore, we are happy to announce, that ProSecCon'19 will be cosponsored by the network SeDiPeT (Secure Digital Performance Twin). The goal of the network is the development of industry 4.0-compatible hardware and software solutions both within industrial production networks ("digital factory") and between different, logically and spatially separate locations (e.g. for remote maintenance tasks). The participating companies and research institutions focus primarily on secure industrial systems for small and medium-sized manufacturing companies. For more information about SeDiPeT please click on following link: https://www.it-logistik-bayern.de/produktionslogistik/netzwerk-sedipet.html


Program Commitee:

  • Prof. Dr. Martin Schramm, Deggendorf Institute of Technology, Germany
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Grzemba, Deggendorf Institute of Technology, Germany


Organizing Commitee:

  • Andreas Popp, M.Sc., Deggendorf Institute of Technology, Germany


Convention Fee:

  • for authors and speakers free
  • for participants is EUR 100, incl. VAT



  • Building I at Deggendorf Institute of Technology (campus Deggendorf)