Us, together, digital.

DInO On The Road

On-site consultation week of the DInO project team at OTH Regensburg

In a world that is increasingly characterised by technology, IT security and intuitive operation of systems are becoming more and more important. We support you with both! Whether you want to protect your systems from cyber threats or make your website, software solutions or training materials more user-friendly.

As part of the EU-funded project Digital Innovation Ostbayern (DInO), we offer free consultations for SMEs, start-ups and public administrations in Eastern Bavaria. We are funded by both the EU and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). That is why our consultations are always free of charge for you.

We understand that not every company has the opportunity and time to travel to larger cities such as Regensburg, Nuremberg and Munich for initial discussions and consultations. For this reason, the DInO team from the Software Engineering Laboratory for Safe and Secure Systems (LaS³) at OTH Regensburg is coming to you this June! We will advise you directly on site in Eastern Bavaria in the week from 17 to 21 June. We start on 17 and 18 June in Passau, where we will be offering one to two-hour consultations on the premises of the INN.KUBATOR start-up centre in Passau. Further stops are planned in the districts of Freyung-Grafenau, Regen, Cham and Weiden. We are also happy to visit your company directly.

A consultation from us can focus on various aspects, which we will clarify with you in advance in an initial meeting. This enables us to tailor the on-site consultation to your needs as specifically as possible. We cover two main areas in our individual consultations:

1. IT Security and Functional Safety

Our services include security audits based on BSI Grundschutz and ISO27001, code reviews and introduction to secure software development with the SAMM maturity model and CERT & MISRA coding standards as well as training on security awareness and security concepts (e.g. on phishing). If you are interested, we can also provide an introduction to penetration testing and test hardware developed by you for security vulnerabilities.

2. Usability Analysis with Eyetracking

Here we analyse the user-friendliness of websites, software solutions, training materials or other digital products live on site or as required. We use mobile eye trackers to analyse and measure user-friendliness. This involves recording users' eye movements while they interact with your product, which allows us to draw valuable conclusions about human-product interaction.

Are you interested in a free consultation, a workshop or do you require further information? Feel free to contact us by email at or or book your desired consultation appointment right here:


Booking for Cham, Regen and Weiden:



Booking for Passau:



Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mottok
Meret Kristen
Wiss. Mitarbeiter
Fabian Engl
Wiss. Mitarbeiter

DInO is a joint project of the technical universities OTH Regensburg and TH Deggendorf as well as the Digitale Gründerinitiave Oberpfalz, the Cluster Mobility & Logistics and the Bavarian AI Agency. Together, we want to drive the digital transformation and promote innovation in Eastern Bavaria.