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Birgit Bauer

speaker digihealthday 2024


Birgit Bauer (Germany)

Social Media & Digital Health Expert, Patient Expert
Founder & Project  Manager Data Saves Lives Germany - www.datasaveslives.de 






Why do we need the patient participation in digitalization?


Digital Health and Health Data Sharing are the hot topics at the moment. Governments have started to develop new laws to realize the European Health Data Space, we discuss electronic health records and a lot of new things. In between we have DIGA, Data protection and other themes, we discuss in experts bubbles every day. We need all those things to create a better and healthier future for all people. We also talk a lot about patient centered medicine, patient engagement and very hot and new: patient participation. But we discuss. We talk a lot, but nothing happens really.

So, the question is: when do we come to an action?

In our project Data Saves Lives we have asked also patient advocates and patients if they want to participate and how? Some insights from our upcoming publication.

The question is: When do we start to change structures and let patient participation, patient engagement and patient involvement happen? When do we start to change processes and find ways to integrate those who are mostly impacted by the decisions others make?

When it comes to digital health and the healthy future of healthcare the voice of patients is not an option. It is mandatory


  • 5 reasons and 5 benefits why to involve patients
  • 5 ways to find the right patients
  • 5 ways how to engage with patients


Keynote: 'Why we should use the power of patients for health data sharing and digital health!'
Panel Discussion: Digital Health Data at the Forefront: addressing ethical, inequality and privacy hurdles.