Ein Teil der Daten, die dieser Anbieter gesammelt hat, dient der Personalisierung und der Messung der Werbewirksamkeit.
Ein Teil der Daten, die dieser Anbieter gesammelt hat, dient der Personalisierung und der Messung der Werbewirksamkeit.
Ein Teil der Daten, die dieser Anbieter gesammelt hat, dient der Personalisierung und der Messung der Werbewirksamkeit.
The Deggendorf Institute of Technology is highly committed to accessibility, equality and inclusion. With this in mind, we are constantly striving to improve our content and online offers and to make them accessible without barriers.
Website: www.th-deg.de
Feedback Mechanism: In case of deficiencies in compliance as well as missing requirements for accessibility, please feel free to contact us at any time:
Contact information:
Enforcement procedure
If a request for contact remains unanswered in whole or in part within six weeks, the State Office for Digitisation, Broadband and Surveying will examine, at the request of the user, whether measures are necessary in the context of monitoring vis-à-vis the obligated party.
Contact information of the institution responsible for the enforcement procedure:
State Office for Digitisation, Broadband and Surveying
IT Service Center of the Free State of Bavaria
Enforcement and monitoring body for barrier-free information technology
St.-Martin-Strasse 47
81541 Munich
Phone: +49 89 2129-1111
fax: +49 89 2129-1113
e-mail: bitv@bayern.de
Voluntary online application: https://formularserver.bayern.de/intelliform/forms/rzsued/ldbv/ldbv/anforderungen_barrierefreiheit/index
Web presence: https://www.ldbv.bayern.de/service/kontakt.html
The Deggendorf Institute of Technology also offers the following contact point: