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european campus rottal-inn

an english campus for students with global aspirations

faculty ecri.

european campus rottal-inn

One World-One Campus: The European Campus Rottal-Inn (ECRI) is the most multicultural out of all the study locations of the Deggendorf Institute of Technology’s (DIT) and one of its eight faculties. Because all courses are exclusively taught in English, the campus is particularly attractive for international students: ECRI offers people from all over the world the opportunity to study in Europe and become changemakers who contribute to the achievement of sustainable development goals globally but also regionally. They can drive change to improve the lives of the entire community involved. As an intercultural microcosm ECRI promotes international talents across borders and personal skills of the students within crossdisciplinary group work.

All courses and labs, especially the Sustainability and the Healthy and Sustainable Buildings Labs, value environmentalism and teach students everything about ecological awareness in order to be able to shape the future of our planet.


Graduates about their ECRI experience.

labs & projects

With the best technical equipment, the labs and workshops offer the basis for modern and practical hands-on education. Modern technology based on industrial standards make it possible for you to deepen the knowledge you've acquired in lectures during all phases of your course. In addition, labs provide the basis for numerous R&D projects and therefore students have a wide range of bachelor's and master's projects to work on.

The European Campus Rottal-Inn (ECRI) is making history with the approval of the "European Campus of Studies and Research" as a European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) as the only EGTC in Bavaria in the university sector. The EGTC is an instrument of the EU, which serves to promote cross-border, transnational or interregional cooperation within the EU. Learn more here: Starting point for unique european cooperation



Multifunctional Lab for Chemistry and Material Science

  • Basic training in scientific-technical work
  • Focus on renewable energies and energy storage
  • Materials for healthy and sustainable construction



DigiHealth & Smart Tourism Lab

  • Design thinking processes for innovative tourism and medical products and services
  • Studies and research on advanced tourist experiences and sustainable healthcare
  • Evaluating the use of smart tourism and digital health software and equipment


Sustainability Lab

  • Education and research with focus on sustainable development through innovative
  • teaching, activities, field internships, excursions and sustainable lifestyles
  • Sustainable social, economical, ecological projects within the partner network


EEE Lab for Electrical and Energy Engineering

  • Focus on measurement and control technology, industrial communication,
  • automation technology, energy technology and renewable energies
  • Teaching graduate and project workers as well as research and development activities



HSB Lab for Healthy and Sustainable Buildings 

  • Learning how to use measurement technology
  • Experiencing sustainable building materials and technology
  • Training „to be old“: Wheelchair training and age simulation suits
  • Heliodon: Analysis of the sun‘s position and the impact on energy-efficient planning



BPP Lab for Building Products and Processes Lab in Arnstorf

  • Study of room temperature, acoustics, building information modelling (BIM)
  • Construction and management of buildings



university certificate for intercultural competence

The newest information can be found on this website.

positions & infos


Vice Dean

Dean of Studies

Operative Manager

Commissioner for Equal Opportunities for Women in Science and the Arts

Course Coordinators

Student advisory

Internship coordinators

Foreign representative

Exam board


Faculty council:

Members by virtue of office

Elected representatives Professors

Elected representatives scientific personnel

Elected representatives non-academic staff




We can't change the wind, but we can set the sails differently. (Aristotle)


The studies are an important milestone in life. During your studies, you want to build up the necessary professional and social skills and gain important experience for the future, in order to realise your own potentials later in life. On this path, you take on a lot of responsibility. You’re facing new challenges every day, which often require a lot of strength and energy.

In life, however, not everything always goes according to plan. That can also happen in your studies. Many unexpected problems can be solved quickly if you get competent help in time. It often helps at first if you can talk about your worries and problems with someone.



The "Student Counselling Service" (StuCoS) at the European Campus Rottal-Inn is aimed at students who feel the need to talk confidentially about themselves and their personal situation. The students are supported in looking at their own situation "from the outside in", looking for and finding solutions together, in order to ultimately get out of a difficult situation.

StuCoS sees itself as the first point of contact for very personal concerns of those seeking advice. Since the counsellor cannot be an expert in all areas, they work confidentially and closely networked with other counselling centres in the region. In this way, you will receive comprehensive professional guidance and support in your personal concerns.


Counselling services

The counselling centre “StuCoS“ can help you in the following areas and situations:

Intercultural Psychosocial counselling:

  • General issues of daily life and social integration
  • Conflicts with fellow students, teachers or in your relationship, etc.
  • Dissatisfaction with your social situation
  • Psychological stress caused by studying
  • Socialising difficulties or other issues that are bothering you

Study guidance:

The following questions often come up in connection with your studies:

  • What is expected of me as a student in terms of learning?
  • Which study methods are best suited for daily learning in studies?
  • Are my self-competences dependent on my own learning success?

Often these questions cannot be answered on their own. You will receive competent support in the following areas:

  • Problems with learning through coaching, e.g.: effective exam preparation
  • Stress and studying, relaxation techniques, learning techniques
  • Self/time management, diary to manage your study time, etc.


Further information

Contact person and consultant

Claudia Nikitsin - research assistant and Commissioner for Equal Opportunities for Women in Science and the Arts at the European Campus Rottal-Inn (ECRI) in Pfarrkirchen

  • Studied Pedagogy, Educational Science, German with the 1st State Examination at the University of Paderborn
  • Certified training as a telephone counsellor in the TelefonSeelsorge (TS) with many years of work experience
  • Methodological-didactic further training in areas such as pedagogical learning guidance, non-violent communication according to Marshall B. Rosenberg, Mental health problems among students and tutor qualification (DIZ)
  • Conception and collaboration in various university projects on learning support for young adults



You can send me an email with a short description of your personal concerns and to arrange a personal counselling appointment: stucos-ecri@th-deg.de


Our courses are accredited or in the process of being accredited by ASIIN or FIBAA. For further information please go to the respective course page.



Sustainability is an integral part of the university operations at the European Campus Rottal-Inn. With a variety of projects and activities we make sustainability a tangible experience. As a university, we train multipliers and thus bear a responsibility in shaping a sustainable future.


Promotion of skills and raising awareness in the sense of education for sustainable development through innovative teaching, actions, excursions and the development of projects related to topics of sustainability.

We use the synergies between our projects and network partners to creatively address innovative issues related to sustainability and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Sustainability Lab is open to all professors, staff & students for project work, teaching and final theses.


Check out this overview of the Sustainability Lab.


International days bring together activities, projects and ideas around a single theme and make it accessible to a broad public in a variety of ways. At the European Campus Rottal-Inn, university members use thematically appropriate days as hooks to present study programmes, research projects or current topics in various formats on campus. Whether it's an interview, a competition announcement or a short contribution via the social media channels - there are no limits to creativity to generate attention for this day and provide information.

Here you can find all previous articles on the International Days:

Today's DayArchiv





From WS21/22, the Deggendorf Institute of Technology in cooperation with the OTH Amberg-Weiden and the TH Nuremberg will offer a digital self-learning course (in German) entitled "Fundamentals of Sustainability". The course provides insights into the societal, economic, material and technical foundations of a transformation to sustainability and shows the causes for this from a scientific perspective.


Robert FeichtRaimund Brotsack and Christoph Lindenbergerlead through the following four modules of the course:

General foundations of sustainability: Students learn about the interrelationships of social, ecological and economic factors and actors and apply basic sustainability models and analysis methods. 

Economic framework of sustainability: Students learn methods of environmental and resource economics and assess the use of sustainability policy instruments.

Materiality and sustainability: Students understand the material cycles of the earth and learn about the production of materials from renewable raw materials and the recycling and disposal of products. 

Energy and sustainability: Students understand the basics of climate change. They learn about current technologies and developments and assess measures in the field of regenerative energy systems in the context of grid expansion, energy distribution and storage technologies.

The course can be booked via the Virtual University of Bavaria and can be integrated by vhb sponsoring universities into their degree programmes. The project leader at TH Deggendorf is Prof. Dr. Robert Feicht (robert.feicht@th-deg.de).


Sustainability is an integral value and component of the European Campus Rottal-Inn and accordingly also means for us to harmonise "economic performance, ecological responsibility and social justice". It is precisely these basic pillars of sustainability that we are currently trying to unite in an exciting and ambitious pilot project on the topic of "Forest, Health and Tourism". The driving research question here is: "How can we use local, native forest and natural areas sustainably, for health tourism, and create added value for all stakeholders in the process?"

In the course of the INTERREG project AB291 "Forest Health Tourism Network", in which the European Campus is even the lead partner, we have joined forces with a broad, interdisciplinary consortium and are investigating this and other important questions - especially in Corona times.

You can find more information about our exciting project in our project overview.



On the world ocean day • 8th June • the student association RESP e.V., ECRI's EcoLab and the Tourism Naturally Online Symposium would like to invite you to an online discussion on overfishing and plastic in the ocean with blue park ambassador Tharaka Sriram.

In the coming weeks, information about our oceans and how we can contribute to the conservation of this habitat will be published here padlet.com/resp



From May 29 to 31, the HIMSS 24 Europe Conference took place in Rome. The European Campus Rottal-Inn (ECRI) of the Deggendorf Institute of Technology ...
On Tuesday, 23 April, the first national workshop of the Interreg Danube Region project "NRGCOM" took place. It was organised and hosted by the Deggen...
More than 50 students from the European Campus Rottal-Inn (ECRI) visited the DMEA (Digital Medicine Expertise and Applications) in Berlin from 9 to 11...