Ein Teil der Daten, die dieser Anbieter gesammelt hat, dient der Personalisierung und der Messung der Werbewirksamkeit.
Ein Teil der Daten, die dieser Anbieter gesammelt hat, dient der Personalisierung und der Messung der Werbewirksamkeit.
Ein Teil der Daten, die dieser Anbieter gesammelt hat, dient der Personalisierung und der Messung der Werbewirksamkeit.
We provide degree courses with the best prospects for the future, to an undergraduate and postgraduate level . In our faculty, students are trained as engineers in "Electrical Engineering and Information Technology" and in "Media Technology" studies.
Prof. Dr. László Juhász, Faculty Dean
The laboratories of the Deggendorf Institute of Technology are outfitted with some of the best technical equipment on the market and form the foundation for our state-of-the-art and practical engineering study programmes. These technologies mirror industrial standards and gives students a hands on opportunity to apply the knowledge acquired in the lectures in all phases of the course.
In addition, these laboratories are used for numerous research and development projects at DIT and offers students manifold options to pursue their own research goals.
Currently, this content is available only in German. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Every year in December at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology, speakers from the industry report their current research during an acoustic seminar.
The scientific conference takes place as a public event of the technical committees „Auditory Acoustics“ und „Electro Acoustics“ of the ITG und the DEGA. All interested parties from domestic and international industry are welcome
The seminar promotes the cooperation between companies and institutions of higher education by presenting current developments, methods and new technologies to students and experts on a scientific basis. This event opens up possibilities for students for future internships, bachelor's and master's theses when establishing contacts with the speakers.
03 December 2019 Virtual acoustics
Deggendorfer Akustik-Seminar 04.12.06
Raumakustik und Wandlertechnologien (Agenda)
Deggendorfer Akustik-Seminar 03.12.07
Codierverfahren für Mehrkanalton (Agenda)
Deggendorfer Akustik-Seminar 01.12.08
Sounddesign (Agenda)
Deggendorfer Akustik-Seminar 01.12.09
Produktakustik (Agenda)
Deggendorfer Akustik-Seminar 07.12.10
Psychoakustische Anwendungen (Agenda und Abstracts)
Deggendorfer Akustik-Seminar 06.12.2011
Virtuelle Akustik (Agenda und Abstracts)
Deggendorfer Akustik-Seminar 11.12.2012
Audiosysteme im Automobil (Agenda und Abstracts)
Deggendorfer Akustik-Seminar 26.11.2013
Soundoptimierung (Agenda und Abstracts)
Deggendorfer Akustik-Seminar 02.12.2014
Akustische Messtechnik (Agenda und Abstracts)
Deggendorfer Akustik-Seminar 01.12.2015
Akustische Mess- und Beurteilungsmethoden (Agenda und Abstracts)
Deggendorfer Akustik-Seminar 06.12.2016
Akustische Simulationstechniken (Agenda und Abstracts)
Deggendorfer Akustik-Seminar 05.12.2017
Akustische Analysemethoden (Agenda und Abstracts)
Deggendorfer Akustik-Seminar 04.12.2018
3D-Audio (Agenda und Abstracts)
Deggendorfer Akustik-Seminar 03.12.2019
Virtuelle Akustik (Agenda und Abstracts)
Technische Hochschule Deggendorf
Dieter-Görlitz-Platz 1
94469 Deggendorf
Hörsaal E 001
Vice Dean
Dean of Studies
Women's Representative
Chairman of the examination commission
Course Director
Study advisor
Internship Officer
EDP Officer
System Adminstrator
Administrative Assistant
Coordinator for International Affairs
Applicationform and information on inventory and use of the Media Technology laboratories
Laboratory usage: User application
Lending periods and lending terms and conditions
Mon - Fri: 9:15 - 9:45
Mon - Thu: 15:30 - 16:00
The lending period never exceeds 48 hours. For example, if your lending period begins Monday morning, you must then return the equipment by Wednesday morning at the latest. Should you lend equipment on Thursday, you must return the equipment on Friday. It is an option to lend equipment over the weekend. Your lending period then starts on Friday and you must return it on Monday before noon.
For schedule and additional information see iLearn course:
Graphics lab: Photography loan, studio, printing
ASIIN accreditation
The ASIIN e.V. is an independent non-profit organisation, which is nationally and internationally committed to the recognition, comparability and quality assessment - also called accreditation - of Bachelor and Master programs. ASIIN e.V. is the only specialist accreditation agency in the field of engineering and natural sciences, computer science and mathematics and is one of the ten accreditation agencies examined by the Accreditation Council. All study programmes of the faculty are accredited by ASIIN e.V.