Ein Teil der Daten, die dieser Anbieter gesammelt hat, dient der Personalisierung und der Messung der Werbewirksamkeit.
Ein Teil der Daten, die dieser Anbieter gesammelt hat, dient der Personalisierung und der Messung der Werbewirksamkeit.
Ein Teil der Daten, die dieser Anbieter gesammelt hat, dient der Personalisierung und der Messung der Werbewirksamkeit.
How to fund your studies is an important factor when choosing to continue your education at university. Therefore, we've complied a living expenses chart to help you see how much financial backing you will need and how to fund your lifestyle to make the most of student life:
An overview of expenses:
There are several opportunities to partially finance your studies through a scholarship, particuarly if you are an ambitious or talented student. We are happy to support you with your application and advise you about financial support.
The Bavarian State Ministry of Sciences, Research and the Arts supports advanced students and young university graduates with scholarships to drive the internationalisation of its higher education forward. These scholarships are generally awarded for one semester. The amount of funding is decided in a case-by-case process based solely on the respective individual's need. This amounts to between 100 and 615 euros per month. One-off study subsidies (at least 250 euros) are available in cases of particular hardship.
The programme primarily targets advanced students and younger university graduates who are either already studying in a degree programme that leads to a first degree with professional qualification or who have registered for a post-graduate or Master's programme at a Bavarian university.Applicants are selected on the basis of academic credentials, personal qualification, experience, need, and other relevant factors. The amount of funding is decided in a case-by-case process based solely on the respective individual's need and the funds available.
Applications may be handed in to the International Office; there is no defined application deadline.
The Deggendorf Institute of Technology receives funds to award to selected international students from the DAAD's (German Academic Exchange Service's) STIBET scholarship programme.
Application procedure:
Please send your application to the International Office, Dieter-Görlitz-Platz 1, 94469 Deggendorf, or bring it personally into the International Office, B 209. Applications maybe submitted anytime!
The amount given in each scholarship fund is between 400 and 900 Euros per semester!
Application documents:
Please note that applicants with incomplete or missing application documents can not be considered for scholarships.
For the funding year 2025/26
For the the academic year 2025/26, the Free State of Bavaria will once again be awarding one-year scholarships to graduates (with appropriate citizenship) from Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine. The scholarship is intended to finance postgraduate studies (i.e. Master's programs), PhDs or one-year research stays at a state or state-funded higher education institution in Bavaria. The one-year scholarship can generally be extended twice for up to 3 years. The scholarship is paid out monthly €934 and amounts to €11.208 per year. Students with at least one child receive €1.094per month, which amounts to €13.128 per year.
The application deadline is 1 December 2024.
More information and the online application can be found here: BayHost Scholarship for Graduates from Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe.
BayBIDS is supported by Bavaria University (registered society) and the Bavarian Ministry of Science, Research and Art. The project originated in 2008, with the initiative coming from the German Academic Exchange Service and the partner-school initiative of the Foreign Office. The project was set up to promote cooperation between German schools abroad and German partner-schools with Bavarian universities.
BayBIDS regularly awards scholarships to graduates of German schools abroad, who begin their studies in Bavaria. Visits to partner schools abroad are also financed. See the website for all details.
This financial support programme is for German or international students who are fully-integrated and have their long-term perspectives in Germany (e.g. European citizens or students with long term residential visas). Grants are based on personal assets, wages earned and parental or partner income.
More information can be found (in German) at www.bafoeg.de.
The Begabtenförderungswerke Endowment consists of many different organisations in Germany that award scholarships to young, gifted and talented students. It supports bright minds that seek to bring change to society.
It targets German, EU and other international students who are entitled to permanent residence in Germany within the framework of Article 8 in the Federal Training Assistance Act, otherwise known as BAföG.
The Deutschlandstipendium at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology supports students for one year with €3,600. Numerous scholarships are available again for the year 2025/26.
Students who excel in their studies are selected. In addition, special personal or family circumstances are also taken into account. The decision is also based on social or student commitment.
The scholarship is awarded regardless of income or the income of the parents. It is also not counted towards BAföG and no social security contributions have to be paid. Half of the funding is paid by companies or private sponsors, the other half by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
In the list of frequently asked questions you will find answers to all areas of the Deutschlandstipendium that are of interest to students.
You can apply for the next round from 1 November 2024 to 15 December 2024 via the Primuss Portal. Simply log in and then select the following path:
A note on the required documents: The letter of motivation should not exceed 1 page with detailed explanations of the points specified in the questionnaire (e.g., internships, voluntary work, personal circumstances, etc.). Students in the 1st semester should upload their Abitur certificate (university entrance qualification).
Instructions: Application step by step
All regulations on thes pages are subject to the approval of the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts.
Guidelines for the Deutschlandstipendium.
We will be happy to answer your questions via stipendium@th-deg.de.
The fund supports gifted and destitute students (e.g. BAföG recipients) upon application.
One-off grants (min. 100 €, max. 500 €) are paid out to purchase textbooks and other study materials.
Applicants must have completed at least two semesters at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology and, if possible, should not have completed the sixth semester. The allocation is not bound to denomination, faculty or nationality. An essential part of the application is a statement of costs. The written application must be accompanied by an (informal) endorsement of the responsible university professor regarding the expenses and previous academic achievements.
The scholarship is paid out (usually at the end of a semester) after the textbooks and learning materials have actually been purchased and this has been proven by submitting the original invoices or receipts together with the complete application documents via the Primuss portal.
If the funding guidelines are not adhered to, the grant may have to be repaid.
You can apply for the scholarship once during the course of your studies, there are no application deadlines.
There is no legal entitlement to funding.
You can get more information from the Student and Academic Counselling
You can apply via the Primuss portal (the application form is also available there).
Would you like to earn some cash to fund your studies and your lifestyle? Look on the DIT job board to find casual work, internships, and full-time graduate vacancies.