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Our study programmes

deggendorf INstitute of technology.

study, research, work

Welcome to our award-winning university where staff and students boldly develop, study, research, teach and innovate. We are a place of endless opportunities and personal stories, created by each individual member of our inspirational university community. Discover our world and let us inspire you, too!

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#count students.

information for potential students

a place to work, teach & research

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Starting a business, innovation & transformation

dit stories



Since 1 January, Deggendorf Institute of Technology (DIT) has been a true hero. Or one of 13 German HEROES, to be more precise. Though not the kind of...
On December 4th the »WomenTech Network« announced the winners for the »Women in Tech Global Awards 2024« at »supercomputing24« in Atlanta, USA. Dr. He...
How well are degree programmes set up and how high is the quality of teaching? Insights can be gained from the demand for graduates on the labour mark...



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