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dit students

you are pioneering and vibrant

campus life.

get involved and enjoy yourself!


canteen & cafe

The cafeterias and the canteens at the Deggendorf, Pfarrkirchen and Cham campuses are open again.

Please note: The mensa at the Deggendorf campus is currently being renovated, enlarged and modernised. Therefore, the mensa has moved to hall 2 of the Deggendorf Stadthallen, Edlmaierstraße 2, for the duration of the renovations. Due to the renovations, the cafeteria in the refectory building is also closed; the Mensateria Glashaus is open instead. 

Current information: The mensa will be relocated to the Glashaus until further notice.


Further Information



opening hours:


Mensa Deggendorf (currently relocated to the Glashaus until further notice): Mon - Fri, 10.30 am - 2.30 pm

Mensateria Glashaus at Deggendorf CampusMon - Fri, 7.30 am - 4 pm

Cafeteria in the Mensa buildingclosed 

Cafeteria Kaffeebar (K Building)Mon - Fri, 9 am - 4 pm

Mensa PfarrkirchenMon - Fri, 8 am - 2.30 pm

Mensa Campus Cham: Mon - Fri, 11 am - 1.30 pm

university sports

Do you feel like tackling the topic of sports and exercise with a lot of fun and ease, and meeting new people at the same time? Then look forward to the varied range of university sports at DIT, which is open to all students and employees. In addition to our recreational sports, we also provide opportunities in some sports for competitive participants to compete on a university team or as an individual athlete in university championships. Our challenging and diverse university sports programme is continuously updated and coordinated. We are also supported by external providers who make their sports facilities available to DIT.

We invite all people with and without disabilities, beginners and advanced to participate. For us, inclusion means that everyone can choose a activity, game or sport  according to their abilities and can participate in a self-determined manner. If you have any questions, need support or are interested in networking with a sports "buddy" (a fellow student/colleague with whom you can attend university sports courses), please contact the university sports team at any time.


Registration and further information on the individual courses can be found in ilearn. Please also note the general information on university sports.

How do I register for a sports course?

  • Register in ilearn with your THD access data.
  • Choose a course from the university sports programme or simply click directly on one of the sports courses below.
  • Enrolment is not yet a binding registration, but merely gives you access to all relevant course information.
  • Please note the individual course information.
  • If a binding enrolment is required for individual course days, this will be explicitly stated in the course information.
  • Course changes or current information will be communicated in the iLearn course by means of an announcement or notification to the course participants.

If you are interested in leading a course, please contact the University Sports Team (hochschulsport@th-deg.de).


How to reach us:

We look forward to your participation.

Stay healthy and keep fit!


Semester break


Dear students,
University sports is currently on semester break. There will be no more courses until next semester.

We would like to thank everyone who took advantage of the offer and especially our course instructors!

We wish you a restful semester break and hope to see you again soon in the next semester.


Team Hochschulsport





our sporting trophy showcase


  •     German University Champions 2005, 2006 and 2016
  •     2nd in German Higher Education Championships 2008 & 2009
  •     Bavarian University Champions 2002 to 2007 (in succession) & 2009, 2014, 2015, 2016 (no competition, 2017 to 2019), 2022
  •     3rd place at the Fachhochschulmeisterschaft 1995
  •     2nd in Bavarian Higher Education Championships 2023



Volleyball (mixed)

  •     German University Cup Winners 2016 and 2019
  •     2nd place at the German University Cup 2017
  •     3rd place at the German University Cup 2018
  •     Bavarian University Champion and University Cup Winner 2005, 2006, 2014 to 2018, 2022, 2023
  •     Bavarian Vice-Champion of Higher Education 2009 and 2010




  •     1st place Bavarian University Cup 2022 (full-court)
  •     3rd place Bavarian University Cup 2022 (3x3)
  •     2nd place Bavarian University Cup 2019
  •     3rd place Bavarian University Cup 2014 and 2017



Beach volleyball

  •     International Austrian Beach Championships: 1st place in 2008, 2nd place in 2009 & 2010




  •     German Athletics Championships 2018: German university champion in 200 m (Julia Hofer)
  •     German Athletics Championships 2016
              - German university champion in 100 m (Julia Hofer)
              - German university champion in 200 m (Julia Hofer)
              - 2nd in the shot put (Laura Renner)
  •     German Athletics Championships 2015: 3rd place shot-put (Rene Hamberger)




  •     German University Championships 2007: placed in Lightweight One (Johannes Knollmüller)



  Nordic skiing

  •     3rd places each at the 15 km cross-country skiing and 30 km cross-country skiing at the Universiade 2003 (Andreas Ampßler)



Trap shooting 

  •     FISI World University Championships 2018: 3rd place trap shooting (Stefan Veit, German national team)


The German University Cup is especially for smaller universities and colleges with up to 10,000 students. It is played in the four major sports: football, basketball, handball and volleyball.



student clubs & associations

Use your free time to get active with your fellow students in one of the numerous student associations or to make new acquaintances there. There is a suitable contact point for all interests:

AlumniNet e. V. - my network

Logo AlumniNet

For all graduates and students at DIT

Homepage: AlumniNet

Contact: alumninet@th-deg.de

The alumni and student association sees itself as a network between students, graduates and the university.

Founded in 2001 by the first graduates, it is now the largest network at DIT with over 900 members.

Networking, both professionally and privately, is the key to success and so easy for members of the association: whether at regular meetings, joint trips or events at the university, our network is growing, both nationally and internationally.

The association offers graduates the opportunity to continue accessing the online career exchange, to continue receiving the weekly job newsletter and to participate in seminars for (young) professionals. Students and alumni can also network and make valuable contacts at numerous events (regular meetings all over Germany, graduation barbecues, company visits, etc.).

One highlight is the business trips on 3 October: we visit alumni who work in other European countries and are shown around the company during a company tour (so far 2012 Google, Dublin; 2013 AnInBev, Prague; 2014 Cisco, Amsterdam; 2015 Wien Energie, Vienna; 2016 iamYiam, London; 2017 DTU, Copenhagen; 2019 Lalala, Paris), one on site we, of course, also explore the city.

The association also takes on up to five Deutschlandstipendien (Germany scholarships) each year. 

Be part of a success story and become a member now!


Afrikanischer studentischer Verein Deggendorf e. V.

For all students

Facebook-Gruppe von ASVD

Email: africancommunitydeggendorf@gmail.com

Wir sind eine afrikanische studentische Gemeinschaft in der Stadt Deggendorf. Da die Sprache, neues Leben , neue Kultur, Orientierung und Wohnmöglichkeiten immer ein großes Problem am Anfang eiens Studiums in Deggendorf sind, haben wir uns entschieden, eine Gemeinschaft zu gründen, in der wir uns gegenseitig helfen. Da wir meistens die gleiche Muttersprache haben, ist es einfacher neuen afrikanischen Studierenden zu erklären, wie das ganze an der Hochschule funktioniert.
Wir sind auch in Richtung Kulturaustausch orientiert und organisieren zu diesem Zweck viele kulturelle Veranstaltungen, um mit anderen Nationalitäten in Kontakt zu treten.
Ein weiterer Grund ist mit dem Thema Rassismus zu binden: Hier versuchen wir in der Gemeinde zu orientieren, wie man damit umgehen soll falls jemand in der Straße oder irgendwo belästigt wurde. Es kommt leider noch heutzutage vor, dass man in der Öffentlichkeit explizite Beleidigungen hört.
Manche afrikanischen Studierenden in Deutschland leiden unter den Rassismus bishin zu suizidalen Gedanken - und wir wollen sowas vermeiden.
Wir sind offen für alle, die uns gerne kennen lernen wollen oder unsere Kultur entdecken wollen.



Burning Cinema - University cinema Deggendorf e.V.

For all students

Instagram page of Burning Cinema

e-mail: hochschulkino@th-deg.de

With us, everything revolves around films! Our club offers you the opportunity to experience both timeless classics and brand-new blockbusters on the big screen in the university's premises.
We choose our programme from a wide range of films of different genres and eras, so there's something for everyone.
A movie night is only perfect with the right snacks and drinks, so we offer a wide range of treats.
In addition to events with karaoke and beer pong, the participatory cinema is also one of our highlights. Here, the whole hall comes to life as everyone sings along loudly to musical favourites like High School Musical and torches are pulled out during romantic scenes. 
Community and passion are at the heart of what we do. Become part of our team and enjoy free admission to all performances as a member. You can get actively involved, be it in the organisation of events, in the technical department for our performances or at the sales stand. Here you have the opportunity to gain practical experience and develop your skills. 
Check our Instagram page regularly to keep up to date with upcoming screenings and events.

We look forward to seeing you at Burning Cinema!


Club of Mechanical EngineersLogo CoME e.V.

For students of Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics and Technical Design

Facebook-Seite von CoME

Email: come.deg@gmail.com


In 1995, the students of the university founded the Club of Mechanical Engineers, known as CoME. The club was established to foster a sense of community among the students within an organized framework.

Since then, CoME has offered its members a diverse program every semester, covering both social and technical aspects. The cornerstone of the club's activities is the "Stammtische" – regular meet-ups that encourage interaction and camaraderie among students in a relaxed setting.

Additionally, the club organizes company visits and trade fair excursions, such as to BAUMA, providing students with exciting insights into the industry and opportunities to make initial contacts with potential employers.

CoME also hosts the May Festival, a construction competition, and the annual "Freshers-Bowling" event for first-year students. Moreover, the club actively participates in other significant events, such as the university's Open Day, the Deggendorf Spring Festival, and many more.









Student consulting of the Deggendorf Institute of Technology Logo Consult-it

For all students

Website consult-it!

Facebook consult-it!

Instagram consult-it!

LinkedIn consult-it!

Email: vorstand@consult-it-online.de

We are an association of young students from various fields of study. Our recipe for success is the combination of theory and practice. We give our members the opportunity to implement the knowledge they learn during their studies through projects in the private sector. You profit by an attractive association life, interesting Workshops and our Germany far acting roof federation JC network. Through the support of former members and professors of the Deggendorf University of Technology, experiences are passed on and knowledge exchanged.


Logo Degg Athletes

For all students

Facebook Degg Athletes

We are a young student association that was founded in 2019. The "Deggathletes ASW", is hosted by students of Applied Sports Science,  primarily for sporting and communal activities. Students of all disciplines, who are also interested in topics such as sport, health and a camaraderie together, can become members with us. Furthermore, we offer opportunities to improve your everyday sporting life with our specialist knowledge. In addition, self-initiated events and sports-related excursions are of course part of our comprehensive supporting programme.


Logo Deg Tours e.V.

For students of Tourism Management

Website von DEG. Tour-S.

Email: degtours@th-deg.de

We at DEG.TOUR.-S. are a community of students and professors interested in tourism at the Deggendorf University of Technology. Our goal is it to manufacture and maintain contacts to enterprises and organizations of the industry to enrich the study with interesting lectures and study travels and above all to strengthen co-operation and we feeling.



Association for the support of and exchange with international students

For all students

Website von esn

The association enables all DITstudents to gain both international and intercultural experience in addition to their university studies. Active engagement with esn helps the students to improve their foreign language skills and to acquire key professional qualifications. Our main task is to make the exchange students' stay at the THD as attractive and efficient as possible through supervision, learning programs, excursions and parties.y



Formula Student-Team at the Deggendorf Institute of TechnologyTechnischen Hochschule Deggendorf

for all students

Formula Student - Website


E-mail: info@fast-forest.de


Formula Student - What is it?

Formula Student is an international design competition in which students work in teams to design and build a racing car to compete against teams from all over the world in the summer. There is both a petrol and an electric class.

However, in order to prevail against the other teams, it is not enough just to build the fastest car. The jury, which consists of experts from the motorsport, automotive and supplier industries, evaluates the construction, cost and business plan of the individual teams, as well as compliance with the strict set of rules.         
The students prove in various dynamic disciplines how their self-built cars perform on the race track. Study contents can thus be supplemented and deepened through practical experience. Not only the engineering courses are challenged, but also the business courses.

Formula Student is a large community of like-minded students from different countries. At the events, not only does one's own team grow closer together, but one also gets to know many other teams.

In recent years, Fast Forest has taken part in the competitions every year in Germany at the Hockenheimring, in Austria at the Red Bull Ring and in Spain at the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya.


Fast Forest - The Formula Student Team at DIT

The Formula Student Team at Deggendorf Institute of Technology was founded by a few students in 2008. The first milestone was reached in 2009 with the presentation of the first racing car, called "Jenny".

While the team only competed in the petrol class in the first season, it also developed an electric racing car from the second season onwards. Since the 2011/2012 season, Fast Forest has specialised only in the electric class. Since then, the THD institute has developed very well and currently has more than 40 active members and over 300 alumni. Thanks to the large number of alumni, the current team can always count on their help and support. Excellent results were achieved in the last racing season. In the last season, the team achieved second place overall in Switzerland. At the "Formula Student Czech" event, the team even achieved first place in the Driverless category. In order to achieve good results at events in the future, the next car is already being developed and manufactured. The aim is to push the "Jenny" further to its limits. Of course, Fast Forest, like every other Formula Student team, relies on the support of volunteer members. Therefore, anyone who is interested, regardless of their degree programme, is very welcome to join. The most important factors here are motivation and commitment, a willingness to work in a team and, last but not least, an interest in cars. In addition to the opportunity to put into practice and expand the knowledge acquired during your studies, Fast Forest also offers an excellent platform for further training in specialist and interdisciplinary areas such as teamwork, presentations, project management, etc. In addition, the cross-faculty project offers contact with students from almost all faculties at DIT. The team is supported in the construction of the racing cars by many sponsors. One of the students' tasks is to acquire the sponsors and then maintain the contacts. These contacts are of course of great benefit in later professional life. Involvement in Formula Student is therefore guaranteed to be worthwhile!

Logo Firstcontact

For all students



E-mail: info@firstcontact-ev.de

The association First Contact consists of students of all disciplines. We have made it our business to establish and maintain contacts with companies. With much commitment and inventiveness we organize among other things the annually taking place university contact fair job stock exchange. Our most important task is to present the university and its students to the companies, and/or the companies of the university and their students.



Association of students with an interest in computer scienceLogo Hochschulgruppe der Gesellschaft für Informatik


The GI is currently the largest professional representation of computer science in the German-speaking world. It promotes the exchange of knowledge, research and the further development of computer science-related aspects. Due to a lively interest in the networking of computer scientists, the GI has grown rapidly and currently comprises 14 different subject groups, each specializing in a specific subject area.

Our university group enables a very extensive contact to these and many other networks. We regularly organize guest lectures for our members, visit individual companies and cooperate with companies and institutions in individual projects.
In order to expand our student life, however, cross-disciplinary contact does not only serve the learning aspect.



Open Group of Christian oriented people and their events for all

For all students


Instagram: khgdeggendorf

Contact: Felix M. Schandl khg@th-deg.de | +49 15143171726

The celebration of church services belongs to the centre of this accossiation, but we also promote a wide range of different activities and projects.



Market Mavens e. V. - Student Stock Exchange Association of the Deggendorf Institute of Technology

for all interested

Webseite: https://marketmavens-ev.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marketmavens_ev/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/market-mavens-ev/

E-Mail: marketmavensev@gmail.com

Do you want to find out more about the latest developments and trends on the financial markets and at the same time be part of an active association?

Then you've come to the right place as a member of our student stock exchange association!

We offer regular lecture series, including the "BVH Börsenführerschein" and guest lectures by key players in the world of finance, such as Amundi. You can also look forward to excursions, such as the annual BVH conference in Frankfurt, where all stock exchange associations in the DACH region come together, providing excellent networking opportunities.

As a national contact, the BVH (Bundesverband der Börsenvereine an deutschen Hochschulen e.V.), with more than 19,500 members, offers a unique network with a number of further training courses, career opportunities and other benefits, including free newspaper subscriptions (Handelsblatt, WirtschaftsWoche) and the opportunity to take part in exclusive competitions.

At relaxed get-togethers and our traditional bowling, you have the opportunity to meet new people, discuss common interests with our 160+ members from a wide range of degree programmes and thus expand your professional network.

Are you interested? Then visit us on social media or become a member right away at the following link: https://marketmavens-ev.com/mitgliedschaft


Facebook of RESP e. V.

"RESP e.V.", which consists of "Respect other cultures, European mind, Students Pfarrkirchen", is the student association of the newly founded European Campus Rottal-Inn in Pfarrkirchen. The name is intended to refer to the tolerance that should be shown towards every culture, as well as to the European community idea. The association is primarily intended to strengthen the cohesion between the students. Excursions are to be organized or grill, cinema and play evenings are to be offered. The inclusion of international students is very important. The student Buddys support with the apartment search, with official visits and give first information in advance. In addition, events are to be organized for the public.

Contact: severin.eder@stud.th-deg.de


Free tutoring by student volunteers for financially disadvantaged children 

For all students

Website by students educate students

Instagram page: sbs.deggendorf

Email: info.deggendorf@studenten-bilden-schueler.de

Founded in 2012, the association can now be found in over 50 locations and since April 2022 also here in Deggendorf. In total, it has around 2,900 members and over 3200 students and also offers 6 scholarships.

We support financially disadvantaged children and young people in receiving individual tutoring and also facilitate cultural and leisure activities for our tutoring couples.

Join us and become part of our community as a tutor or site manager. In this way, you can make your contribution to equal opportunities in the education system.

Our values include political and denominational independence as well as honest and open communication with a respectful and tolerant approach to each other. If you would like to learn more about us, please take a look at our website and our Instagram profile or send us an e-mail.


Logo des TedX Clubs

For all students


E-mail: tedxdit@gmail.com

The association TEDx Club e.V. consists of students of all disciplines. We mainly deal with the organization of TEDx conferences under the official license of TED. In addition, we have made it our mission to create a worldwide network of students, professors and external influencers from various industries.

United AI e. V.

for all students 

Website United AI

Instagram United AI

LinkedIn United AI

E-mail: hr@united-ai.net

We are a technology-oriented club with the goal to realize small and great projects around Artificial Intelligence. We are open for everyone interested in AI no matter the faculty. Artificial Intelligence is entering more and more areas, be it the economy, robotics or health care. We want to bring together the different faculties under the umbrella of Artificial Intelligence and create mutual connections. If you are not interested in technical work, you can still get involved in areas like Marketing, Human Resources or Event-Planning. There is something for everybody. Outside of projects we are doing regular meetups, get-togethers and events like a hackathon for example.



For students of Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering

E-mail: vdbau@th-deg.de

The VDBau is a connection between students, graduates, professors and the economy. Our goal is the exchange of knowledge from theory and practice, and thus the enrichment of the student life within and outside of the university. Through our relationships with companies in the construction industry and engineering offices, we arrange contacts to diploma theses, internships and vacancies. The organization of lectures and excursions is one of our main tasks. In addition, we promote the exchange of knowledge and experience among students.


Local group of the Association of German Industrial Engineers

For Students of Industrial Engineering and Management


Would you like to see your engineering studies not only as an academic challenge, but also as an opportunity to make valuable contacts
and develop your professional interests at the same time. The VWI Deggendorf is part of a supra-regional association with over 6000 members throughout Germany and offers you the ideal platform for this!

As a student member, you have access to a wide range of networking events, company contacts and specialist lectures. Since its foundation in 2009, the Deggendorf University Group has built up a lively community of prospective and experienced engineers. In addition to first-class events such as workshops and excursions, we also organise local and national events.

One particularly popular event is the "Deggendorfer Kneipenhupfa", which provides a pleasant change from the challenging everyday life of studying. Here, students have the opportunity to discover and enjoy the local culture and gastronomy in the company of fellow students and friends.

Together with us, you will explore the many opportunities offered by your studies and discover how the VWI Deggendorf can help you realise the full potential of your engineering degree!

Sebastian Schinagl: sebastian.schinagl@stud.th-deg.de (1st board member)
Anica Koller: anica.koller@stud.th-deg.de (Board of Members and Administration)


Logo WI Project e. V.



E-mail: info@wi-project.de

WI-Project serves the networking and the exchange of experiences between the WI students and  former graduates. As association of the Deggendorfer economical computer scientists we made it us the task to help WI students and students to find its way fast in the Deggendorfer student life.

student representatives

Welcome to the DIT student representatives - we are your voice to the university!

We consist of 16 directly elected student representatives and faculty councillors who vote on important decisions and future direction within their faculties. 


We are here for you:

  • For concerns about your student life
  • For the organisation of student parties or events
  • For questions about exams, subject combinations or choice of specialisation
  • For problems with staff or professors









We not only plan the freshers' days and the annual Christmas party, but also coordinate sales in the mulled wine hut during the Christmas period. We also award the prize for good university teaching and honours for the best students in the 3rd semester. Our absolute highlight in the winter semester 23/24 was the Christmas Deggster, who handed out presents and sweets on campus and in lectures.

Canteen Representatives:

Our canteen officers regularly test the food in our canteens and cafeterias and provide feedback to the STWNO for improvements. In the winter semester 23/24, we launched a canteen survey to record students' wishes and pass them on directly. There are also STWNO representatives who coordinate changes with the other universities in Lower Bavaria.


We manage the university's student e-mail distribution list and send out the student survey newsletter and the event newsletters of the associations. Would you like to send out an event or a survey? Send us an e-mail!

Let's Network:

DIT is home to a large number of different student associations that cover the interests of students. We meet regularly to organise joint events and activities. The Student Convention manages and organises these meetings.

Meeting spot:

Wondering what the wooden building in the centre of campus is? It's the university's living room, and we're furnishing it for you. In future, it will not only be a meeting place for you, but also a venue for the university's clubs and small events.

Equal Opportunities Officer:

Do you feel you are being treated unfairly or would you like to draw our attention to something? Feel free to contact us. In the summer semester 2024, we are planning a #Diversity Week for the first time with a varied programme to make the university more colourful.

Quality and idea management:

Do you have ideas for our campus? Leave them in our ideas portal. This department is constantly working to improve student life.

Would you like to become a part of it?

Run for office as a faculty councillor or as a member of the student convention. We look forward to hearing from you!


  • 1. Phillip Graf
  • 2. Johanna Maria Hörfurter


  • Phillip Graf
  • Anna Wiedenhofer

Faculty councils:

Faculty of Applied Economic Sciences:

  • Philip Taubmann

Fakultät Maschinenbau und Mechatronik:

  • Simon Wieland
  • Lena Hauzenberger

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics:

  • Moritz Stirner

Faculty of Applied Computer Science:

  • Amelie Kammerer
  • Jonas Düsterwald

Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering:

  • Benjamin Söhn
  • Cornelius Hackenberg

Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences and Industrial Engineering:

  • Jenny Redinger
  • Elena Rudolph

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Media Technology:

  • Sara Salamun
  • Matthias Reisinger


  • No established faculty councils

Elected Convention members:

  • Nina Linke
  • Chantal Kellermann
  • Matthias Hopfinger
  • Felix Schmidt
  • Johanna Hörfurter
  • Ricky Sell
  • Amelie Hanf
  • Florian Perwitschky


Wenn du ein Anliegen hast, schreib uns gerne auf Instagram oder per Mail!

Uns findest du auch im Raum D118.

E-Mail: studentenvertretung@th-deg.de
Instagram: studentischerkonvent_thd

Folge uns gerne auf Instagram, um alle Neuerungen rund ums studentische Hochschulleben nicht zu verpassen!



musical campus

University Choir

Hochschulechor der THD auf der Bühne

The university choir regularly accompanies ceremonial occasions at our university, such as the "Dies academicus" in front of around 1400 guests from all over the world in the Deggendorf Stadthallen, performances at the "Open Day" or other festivities and church services.
All students and staff who enjoy singing are welcome to join the university choir. Whether you already have sung in choirs before or are still a newcomer, whether you sing in low or high range, speak English or German: you are very welcome to join the DIT choir. The programme includes rock and pop songs from the old days to the new, the latest hits and oldies.

Rehearsal take place once a week in room C 001.
Rehearsals are on Tuesdays from 5.00 pm to 6.30 pm

If you are interested, drop by for a rehearsal!
Contact person is Anja Schneider (0163 7549877)



Big BandDie THD Big Band bei einem Auftritt

If you already have 2-3 years of playing experience in the field of jazz or big band music, then you will be at home in our big band. We organise university events, such as DIT’s 25th anniversary celebrations, the Open Day, or concert evenings. Students and staff are equally welcome to enrich the big band with their musical talents.

Rehearsals take place once a week in the rehearsal room of the Stadthallen.
Rehearsals are on Tuesdays at 7.15 pm.

If you are interested, drop by  for a rehearsal!
Contact person is Michaela Gerl ( +49 176 44464520)




At the European Campus Rottal-Inn (ECRI) Campus we have the “ECRI-Band” which reassembles itself new each semester. Usually the band plays at summer or Christmas parties at the campus. Often, the band has more than ten members, which play each song in a different setting. The band combines both, rather unexperienced musicians and singers, as well as professionals. Instruments (if needed) and equipment can be supplied. Prof. Dr. Sascha Kreiskott organises the band and supplies sound engineering support. In his barn in the outskirts of Pfarrkirchen is the rehearsal room of the band (if Corona allows rehearsals). The band’s repertoire combines old and new rock and pop songs. The student’s decide every semester which songs to perform. Taking part in the band can be accredited as an AWP subject.

In the last year, rehearsal could not take place due to Corona. Instead, the band decided to record the song “We are the world” in solo sessions without joint rehearsals.


university election results

copy shop

Deggendorf campus has a copy shop where you can print scripts, copy documents, have final papers or seminar papers bound and similar things.

The copy shop is in building C, room C 012.

Tel: 0991 3615-362

E-Mail: copyshop@liebl-systems.de


Opening hours: Mon - Thu: 9am - 2pm

Opening hours during the semester break: Special arrangement