Ein Teil der Daten, die dieser Anbieter gesammelt hat, dient der Personalisierung und der Messung der Werbewirksamkeit.
Ein Teil der Daten, die dieser Anbieter gesammelt hat, dient der Personalisierung und der Messung der Werbewirksamkeit.
Ein Teil der Daten, die dieser Anbieter gesammelt hat, dient der Personalisierung und der Messung der Werbewirksamkeit.
Spend your ERASMUS study semester at DIT and combine it with practical experience in Germany
Students can study either in English or German; Tourism Management, General Business and General Engineering are study programmes which were developed specifically according to the needs of our international exchange students, thus, they are taught in English. Besides, we offer many other top German degrees among eight faculties. After the study semester (either at our main campus in Deggendorf or our European Campus in Pfarrkirchen) students complete a single semester internship directly at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology, or receive support to find an internship position in a partnering German company. We support with (preparatory or regular) German language courses, intercultural training and soft skill workshops, and simplify VISA and work permits.
This unique programme offers students the opportunity to become more culturally aware, especially regarding the German lifestyle, and implement gained soft as well as hard skills back in their home country.
The geographical location of our university is in beautiful Bavaria, a state which offers a variety of attractive leisure time activities along with fascinating historic places and traditional cafés, restaurants and markets. There are plenty of sports activities you can undertake, from horseback riding over canoeing on the Danube river to hiking in the famous Bavarian Forest. Bavaria offers a relaxed and recreative environment, and you will be stunned by how beautiful Deggendorf shines throughout all four seasons. Yet, the town is located very centrally, meaning that you can reach other cities like Passau, Regensburg and Munich easily by train within a minimum period of time.
What do I need to know about this programme?
As a European exchange student, you can apply to receive an ERASMUS+ grant during your study abroad and your internship semester. If there are enough funds available, the International Office may also provide a scholarship additionally (please clarify with the International Office beforehand).
What are the prerequisites to apply?
You are eligible to apply for the programme if you ...
Did we wake your interest?
If you are ready for a new adventure and want to be part of this tailor-made programme, please send the following application documents at least six months prior to your desired entry semester:
Please direct further enquiries to incomings@th-deg.de
Target group:
Business students at Bachelor level
You can qualify for this course if you have:
Prior knowledge of the German language is not required (but recommended).
Course content*:
The General Business programme, tailored especially to business and tourism students, is an exchange semester in which Bachelor's students can complete one or two semesters whilst earning between 20-30 ECTS per semester. From a wide variety of business subjects (all taught in English), participating students can choose the ones that suit their degree course at home. Additionally, students have the opportunity to attend German language classes.
Students should choose courses which suit the respective study programmes at their home universities. A minimum of 20 credits should be taken.
Subjects are offered by the School of Management and students also have the opportunity to participate in various intercultural training events.
The courses include subjects from the programmes Applied Economics, Business Administration, International Management Tourism Management and Organisational and Economic Psychology.
We also offer German intensive courses for beginners as well as higher-level courses for more advanced speakers.
* Subject to change and amendments
Course overview and course descriptions:
Hours per week:
Participants per course:
Limited to 30
ECTS points:
Starting date:
The programme is free of charge to all Bachelor students.
Johanna Maurer, Coordinator for the General Business Programme
Target group:
This engineering exchange programme is open to international English-speaking Bachelor's students who can complete one of their college semesters and earn up to 30 credits whilst learning German as a foreign language.
You can qualify for this course if you have:
Prior knowledge of the German language is not required (but is advised).
Course content:
Students will attend German lessons and can also join in a tandem language programme, which is offered as a further linguistic support tool. After completing an introductory orientation week with intercultural training, students choose various engineering subjects for a minimum of 20 credits (see subject details below) to complement their degree course at their home universities.
Course overview and course descriptions:
Starting date:
The programme is free of charge for all Bachelor students.
Nadine Kappl - Coordinator for the General Engineering Programme
Target group:
This exchange programme in the field of Healthcare Sciences is open to international English-speaking Bachelor's students who can complete one of their college semesters and earn up to 30 credits whilst learning German as a foreign language.
You can qualify for this course if you have:
Prior knowledge of the German language is not required (but is advised).
Course content:
After completing an introductory orientation week with intercultural training, students choose from a variety of English-taught subjects offered by the DIT Faculty of Applied Healthcare Sciences (see subject details below) to complement their degree course at their home universities.
Additionally, students will attend German lessons and can join in a tandem language programme, which is offered as a further linguistic support tool.
Course overview and course descriptions:
Starting date:
The programme is free of charge for all Bachelor students.
Laura Schümann - Coordinator for the General Health Programme
Target group:
This exchange programme in the field of Computer Science is open to international English-speaking Bachelor's students* who can complete one of their college semesters and earn up to 30 credits whilst learning German as a foreign language.
*Kindly note that, due to limited capacity, the programme is not available for free movers.
You can qualify for this course if you have:
Prior knowledge of the German language is not required (but is advised).
Course content:
After completing an introductory orientation week with intercultural training, students choose from a variety of English-taught subjects offered by the DIT Faculty of Computer Science (see subject details below) to complement their degree course at their home universities.
Additionally, students will attend German lessons and can join in a tandem language programme, which is offered as a further linguistic support tool.
Course overview and course descriptions:
Starting date:
The programme is free of charge for all Bachelor students.
Nadine Kappl - Coordinator for the International Computer Science Programme
*subject to change
*subject to change
Exchange students may attend German-taught courses from any degree programmes and semesters, provided all academic and linguistic pre-requisites are fulfilled.
Please note: Applications for free movers (students from non-partner universities) are only possible upon request!
All exchange students must participate in a German course during the semester. Additionally, an intensive German course (level A1) is offered during the Orientation Week which is 1-2 weeks before the start of studies. Language certificates are not required.
The online application portal is only activated during the following application periods:
View the application procedure checklist to guide you step-by-step through preparation for your exchange semester at DIT.
Exchange students apply via Mobility Online. The link to access the online application form will be provided after you have offcially been nominated by your home university (free mover applicants: application link will be provided upon request).
After completing the online application form, you will receive an email containing a link and login details. You then must follow the link and enter a password, before entering further details and uploading your documents (such as CV, photo, passport/national ID card, grade sheet, certificate of enrolment).
Application as an exchange student at DIT is ONLY via Mobility Online. All required documents can be uploaded and nothing should be sent through traditional post or e-mail.
The Orientation Week with intensive German prep course is an essential event for international students. During the Orientation Week, we will help you make friends, settle in and guide you into a smooth start.
The following activities are included in the programme:
Besides, the Orientation Week offers much more events such as an Intercultural Training, a Bavarian Evening and different day trips.
One to two weeks before the start of every semester, annually in March and September.
On your arrival at the European Campus Rottal-Inn you will take part in a so-called "Orientation Day". In addition to many social events you will receive detailed course information and practical support with all necessary formalities, such as registration at the town hall, health insurance, opening a bank account, German courses and application for a students card. The International Office informs students about events in the coming semester and international students will have the opportunity to ask all questions about studying and living in Pfarrkirchen.
The Orientation Days in Cham for all international students take place shortly before the start of the semester (End of September / Beginning of October). The programme includes:
Please find the programme for the orientation days in Cham in the winter semester 2023/24 here: Orientation Day Cham
Contact: international-office@th-deg.de
In all our exchange programmes, we offer free German language courses.
You can expect an extensive range of courses on the levels A1 to C1, which will enable you to improve and extend your German language skills and at the same time get to know Germany and the German culture better.
You can obtain official certificates for German as a foreign language directly here at the DIT (TestDAF, telc).
"I decided to embark on my semester abroad in Germany and the European Campus was ideal choice for me, since I wanted to study in English but at the same time study in German speaking country to improve my language skills. The International Office was the first place I had the opportunity to communicate with from the day of my application, through the whole procedure till the day of my arrival. I was very pleased and happy with all their helpfulness and also after my arrival, I saw they are doing everything to satisfy new international students. They explained everything about my schedule, courses, even helped with accommodation and formalities needed for the city hall and my whole stay in Germany. I was especially excited about the events organised by IO e.g. Culture Cafe and Taste the World, which belong to my all-time favourites. Knowing that the campus is a brand new, it was a big surprise to see how the students together with employees of the school do their best to improve its social life by organising a lot of events. Campus has variety of school initiative groups, where all new students are welcomed! R.E.S.P is the main campus organisation and they organise the biggest events through the whole semester e.g. Semester Opening and Closing Parties, Winter and Summer Ball, International Tutors organised barbecue at the lake or already mentioned Culture Cafe, where we could present our country and also listen to our colleagues from all around the world. The campus has even its own school band, which has performed at the Summer Festival. As the most relevant advantage of my stay at this particular campus I consider experiencing diversity and international environment. In such a small town I would not expect such variety of nationalities, but it uplifts the city and its atmosphere. ECRI is a place where everyone knows each other, I got a chance to make friends from all over the world, to hear their stories and to get inspired."
"Studying in Deggendorf is really enriching and convenient. I have been studying here for two years. My impressions of Deggendorf and the university are very positive. I love the way, how the town works. People do not hurry too much and everybody is very kind and nice. That helps a lot when arranging important things with the International Office and other departments at the university. From time to time there are very nice events organized in the city. Students love especially Frühlingsfest which is a very traditional Bavarian event with lots of traditional food and music.
I love studying at Deggendorf Institute of Technology. I am studying English International Management program. Courses at the university are taught in a very interesting way, professors usually try to cover lots of practical examples. Thanks to attending one course, I could even visit BMW plant which was really valuable experience. We also have many lectures with foreign professors who are real experts in their field and have lots of practical experiences.
Reason, why I decided to come to Deggendorf, was besides others my intention to learn German language. Even though it is difficult to find people speaking proper German, since a lot of them speak Bavarian, I could improve my German language skills significantly. I would never change my decision about studying at Deggendorf Institute of Technology. High quality of dormitories, services at the university, easy availability of all you need and very nice people around me made Deggendorf my second home."
"Academically, DIT has good rankings in Germany and learning structures are really well prepared and professional. All the professors also treat all the students very well. There was no distance between them, so we were free to ask questions and express opinions.
I never regretted choosing Deggendorf University of Applied Sciences. I have learned a lot and gained valuable experience by studying here in an international environment. This was a truly amazing and challenging experience for me, for all exchange students, and even for German students themselves.”
“Heeeeey .... if you want to know more, you should be here!!!”
“Initially I chose this college because I was impressed of the unique name of this city "Deggendorf". I found Deggendorf to be friendly and peaceful urban environment, which is good for learning.
After I was accepted in Deggendorf University of Applied Sciences and after following AKI orientation week I was really amazed about all the new people I got to know. I would have never thought I would get so many friends from all over the world. People were all really nice and pleasant to me. I saw that International Office is really active and is in the most important role in promoting the campus on international scale.
If we look at the environment and the design of the campus, I think this is one of the colleges that has a good environment and is suitable for studying, like in my home university “State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta”. University Deggendorf is designed to focus not only learn but also to be able to socialize and exchange opinions among individuals in order to get to know one another. Not all campuses have an interesting design like this, and supported by an excellent infrastructure. An excellent infrastructure is also supported by high technology. In the class we have all the technology needed for everyday learning. Not surprisingly, Germany is the famous for its beauty and sophisticated technology, and that is also one of the greatnesses of this campus.”
"Ich glaube, dass technische Innovationen das Leben der Menschen vereinfacht und verbessert. Deshalb habe ich nicht zweimal überlegt als ich die Gelegenheit bekam ein Austauschjahr zu machen: Deutschland, das Land der Technik.
Neben meinem Studium an der Technischen Hochschule Deggendorf arbeitete ich im Fahrwerk bei dem Formula Student Team, Fast Forest. Die Technische Hochschule Deggendorf gab mir die Möglichkeit nicht nur die Einheit von Theorie und Praxis, sondern ein erfolgreiches deutsches Engineering-Unternehmen durch ein Praktikum von innen zu sehen. Die Studenten und die Lehrer zusammen mit den Mitarbeitern sind sehr freundlich und hilfsbereit.Deshalb konnte ich auch mein Deutsch verbessern und Freundschaften schließen."
O que nos gostamos em Deggendorf?
"Deggendorf apesar de ser uma cidade pequena tem uma infraestrutura muito boa e é perfeita para uma vida estudantil, tudo é perto e você dificilmente vai sentir falta de um carro andando na ciclo via que conecta toda a cidade as margens dos afluentes do rio Danúbio. O custo de vida também não é caro comparado a grandes cidades como Munique e Berlin o que deixa Deggendorf atrativa e viável".
O que foi melhor na faculdade THD ?
"Na universidade além de salas de aula bem equipadas e bons professores o contato entre o meio acadêmico e profissional é muito grande, o número de empresas desenvolvendo projetos junto aos estudantes é impressionante e devido a isso as portas para novas oportunidades estão sempre abertas".
Diferenças entre Alemanha e Brasil?
"São muitas, desde paisagens ao estilo de vida, mas o que mais me impressiona é a infraestrutura, tudo funciona bem: transporte público, trânsito, segurança e por ai vai..."
Como são os Alemães?
"São muito educados e prestativos, varias vezes me encontrei perdido em alguma situação e sempre encontrei alguém disposto a ajudar, e foi algo que me surpreendeu muito pois a primeira instância eles parecem bravos e fechados mas assim que você começa a conhecê-los fica claro a simpatia e solicidade do povo alemão".
3 razões para escolher a Alemanha?
"Como estudante eu diria: Praticidade no cotidiano, ela é referência em qualquer área da engenharia e claro boas universidades".
What do you like about Deggendorf?
"Despite being a small town it has a very good infrastructure and is perfect for a student life, everything is close and you will hardly see a car walking in the cycle route that connects the whole city to the banks of the Danube tributaries. The living costs are also not expensive compared to bigger cities in Germany like Munich and Berlin which makes Deggendorf attractive and viable".
What was the best thing on campus?
"At university, in addition to well-equipped classrooms and good teachers, the contact between the academic and professional environment is very big, the number of companies developing projects with students is impressive and because of this the doors to new opportunities are always open".
What are the differences between Germany and Brazil?
"There are many, from landscapes to lifestyle, but what impresses me (about Germany) the most is the infrastructure, everything works well: public transportation, traffic, security and so on... "
How are the Germans?
"They are very polite and helpful, several times I found myself lost in some situation and always found someone willing to help, and it was something that surprised me a lot because at first instance they seemed to be a kind of cold people in the own, but as soon as you get to know them is clear the sympathy and solicitude of the German people".
3 reasons to choose Germany?
"As a student I would say: Practicality in everyday life, it is a good reference in any area of engineering and of course has good universities".
"My name is Qais Sunna', I am 22 years old. I came from Jordan to Deggendorf on 25th Feb. 2017 as an exchange student at Technische Hochschule Deggendorf. I study mechatronics and I am currently in my 8th semester.
As we all do know, nothing is perfect. However, my experience here at DIT was close to perfection. I have not been here for a long time, but certainly enough to tell you why I would recommend DIT to you.
When I first came here at Deggendorf, the university was kind enough to provide us with a pickup service, where some students welcomed us and helped us with our luggage.
The university is quiet medium sized but enough for you to get to know to it and be comfy in a short amount of time, also it is located in a central location where it is almost near to any other place. The staff is super friendly and helpful, so if you were a student looking for studying abroad in Germany, I can tell you that DIT is a must :)."
International Management student
“It was a long journey to get here, but once I got here, all my expectations were nothing but right.
DIT really opens the door for many students to have an amazing experience, to get to know the culture and make great friends of different nationalities.
When I got here I was not quite sure what to expect. The lectures, the professors, the classmates, everything is so different from my home country. But something that I can be sure of, is that the people are very friendly and you really feel welcome always in every situation.
The time is short in Deggendorf, the words can´t describe so many wonderful experiences. Knowing that so many people are dedicated to help you to make your stay abroad an unforgettable experience is very rewarding. I am very grateful to the DIT for an experience that I will never forget.”
"I came to Deggendorf because I knew that I would fit in and that I could actively contribute to the community. The University and the town are not that big so it’s very easy to get to know other students. There is something about this small Bavarian town which makes you feel comfortable, safe and relaxed."
International Management student
“My first impression about Deggendorf and the university was very positive. Deggendorf University of Applied Sciences offers many programs to help the students for example Host Family program and Tandem program, where you can practice German language and also make a new friend. There is students’ club called AKI, which helps foreign students with orientation and filling in the forms. AKI Club organizes parties, trips and some nice activities during the semester. Help from AKI and International Office makes you really feel comfortable in HDU. The courses are in English so it is easy to communicate. The professors have a good knowledge and they are all open to discussion and suggestions. The learning methods are a little bit different compared to Brazil. Here the teacher interacts with students all the time and we have the opportunity to ask questions freely. At first I felt a little uncomfortable because the systematic is quite different and I was a bit lost, but it didn’t take too long to adapt myself. The professors always encourage students to spend one semester abroad and help to find an internship or job by sending emails with opportunities frequently. The city is really small and cozy and I can feel safe any time. There are many options of student dormitories and they are all nice. I recommend the Deggendorf University of Applied Science because it is really prepared for all kinds of students, is receptive and you get to know people and the city in a short time. The atmosphere is welcoming.”