Ein Teil der Daten, die dieser Anbieter gesammelt hat, dient der Personalisierung und der Messung der Werbewirksamkeit.
Ein Teil der Daten, die dieser Anbieter gesammelt hat, dient der Personalisierung und der Messung der Werbewirksamkeit.
Ein Teil der Daten, die dieser Anbieter gesammelt hat, dient der Personalisierung und der Messung der Werbewirksamkeit.
You have informed yourself about our Bachelor and Master programmes and our academic certificates? Are there any questions left unanswered or would you like to apply directly? No problem!
In this section we have collected all important information about our offer, the application process and many other helpful tips.
For example, you can request information material on both the individual degree programs and our university certificate courses quickly and free of charge.
In addition, participants report on their experiences with their studies and the resulting professional advantages.
In a FAQ we clarify the most frequent questions and answers of students and participants of our university certificate courses.
Scholarships & tax advantages provide you with an overview of funding and support options.
And of course you can also apply directly to one of our offers.
Studying or further education while working means first of all to decide to complete a course of study or further education in addition to a job. To ensure that this step is successful, our further education officers, seminar managers and lecturers are available to answer your questions at any time. A great advantage of the part-time study programme or part-time continuing education is the proximity to practice: You can immediately put what you have learned into practice and have the opportunity to reflect on what you have heard. In addition to the practical relevance, the exchange and networking within the degree programme is also a major advantage: your fellow students have all also already gained valuable practical experience. The exchange, also with your high-ranking lecturers from science and practice, provides new food for through and often leads to completely new perspectives in addition, you combine your career opportunities through academic studies with the security and income of a permanent job.
In a full-time study programme, students do not carry out any full-time activities. Lectures are generally held weekly and regularly.
In the case of a dual study programme, an apprenticeship or internship is usually combined with a degree course. In this way, students acquire practical experience in the company in addition to the theory they learn during their studies. Students thus spend a proportionate amount of time at the university and in the company.
Part-time studies usually begin after a first completed apprenticeship or after work experience has already been gained. Students have the advantage that they can continue to pursue their (full-time) employment and complete their academic degree while doing so. In this way, career and studies are optimally combined. In addition to the attendance appointments at the university, students have the opportunity to bring in their own practical cases from the company and to work out practice-relevant solutions in student research projects which are then implemented in the company.
Depending on the degree programme, attendance is usually on Friday afternoons and Saturdays all day. Block courses are also offered in some degree programmes. This ensures that you can also pursue your career while studying. The dates will be announce promptly so that you can start planning your studies and your career as early as possible.
In principle, a part-time Bachelor's programme is also possible without the Abitur or equal qualification. Depending on the degree programme, relevant vocational training and at least three years of subsequent work experience are required. In order to be admitted to the course of study, interested parties without a university entrance qualification also need a consultation with our further education officers.
The costs of a part-time course of study vary. University certificate courses are offered from as little as € 519 per course. Bachelor's programmes cost between € 1,500 - 2,000 per semester. For a Master's programme you pay between € 2,000 - 4,000 per semester.
You can find the respective costs of the individual degree programmes in the respective profile:
In addition, the student union fee of € 62 per semester is charged for each degree programme.
Before the beginning of the next semester, you pay the student union fee of € 62. You will be informed of this centrally in due course (more information at: https://www.th-deg.de/en/students/documents#re-registration. Tuition fees are always invoiced in the course of the respective semester.
Studying knows no age. Experience shows that a part-time study group includes an exciting mix of different age groups: from young professionals to students with many years of professional experience and executives. Just as working in a profession requires working across departments and age groups, so studying also requires a constant exchange of experience between lecturers and students, but also between students themselves.
Our further education advisors are always available to answer any questions you may have about part-time studies. You will find the contact details under the respective degree programme/further education programme in which you are interested. For example, you can arrange personal counselling interviews or attend one of our information evenings. You can find the dates for these events in our Calendar.
Here you can find out about the individual degree programmes:
Bachelor degrees
Master degrees
Academic certificates
You can apply all year round for part-time degree programmes at the Centre for Academic Further Education at DIT. Applications must be submitted via the Primuss application portal. The documents you need to upload for the application can be found under the respective degree programme.
The entire application process for the degree programmes takes place on the Primuss portal.
As soon as you are enrolled, both the registration for examinations and the announcement of grades are also carried out on the Primuss portal. You will also receive all the necessary certificates and information on your enrolment here.
On iLearn, scripts and other documents are made available to you digitally, so that you can access them at any time. You can also obtain important information on lecture dates here. In addition, you can upload student research projects here.
Preparatory courses are offered especially for Bachelor's degree programmes, which bring applicants to a uniform level in various basic courses. The aim is to facilitate entry into the degree programme at different levels.
In addition: In the Bachelor's degree programmes in Nursing Education and Pedagogy in Rescue Services, understanding and detailed work with English specialist texts and studies is a basic requirement for admission to the degree programme. The level corresponds to approx. B2. DIT offers English Refresher courses for this purpose.
You can find more information about the prep courses at https://www.th-deg.de/en/study-with-us/prep-courses
You can find the language requirements for the part-time degree programmes here: Language Requirements
Additionally: In the Bachelor's degree programmes in Nursing education and Education in Rescue Services, an understanding of and detailed work with English specialist texts and studies is a basic requirement for admission to the degree programme. The level corresponds to approx. B2. DIT offers English refresher courses for this purpose.
You can find more information on language preparation courses at: https://www.th-deg.de/en/study-with-us/prep-courses
Lectures are still taking place - mostly virtually. Web conferences are used as well as instructional videos, which the lecturers record and make available in iLearn for self-study. Currently, both the lecturers and we at the Centre for Academic Further Education are working tirelessly to make your studies as studyable as possible in this uncertain time.
If you are studying while working, you will incur costs which you can deduct from your tax as income-related expenses. The possibilities include the following:
Please contact representatives of the tax consulting professions about the individual possibilities of deductible income-related expenses within the framework of a part-time study programme.