Ein Teil der Daten, die dieser Anbieter gesammelt hat, dient der Personalisierung und der Messung der Werbewirksamkeit.
Ein Teil der Daten, die dieser Anbieter gesammelt hat, dient der Personalisierung und der Messung der Werbewirksamkeit.
Ein Teil der Daten, die dieser Anbieter gesammelt hat, dient der Personalisierung und der Messung der Werbewirksamkeit.
Getting to know and promoting young talents - The Deutschlandstipendium at DIT
The Deggendorf Institute of Technology attaches particular importance to supporting its high-performing students.
With you as our cooperation partner, we would like to take the opportunity to accompany committed and talented students with future potential on their way into the professional and social future.
DIT's Career Service is closely networked with the students through the wide range of advisory services and seminars. Together with us, you can counteract the threatening shortage of skilled workers in a targeted manner and get to know and provide targeted support for your future top performers.
With your commitment you help to keep the specialists and executives of tomorrow in the region and to further strengthen the economy.
We would therefore like to invite you to become a sponsor of the Germany Scholarship at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology. Show the students that performance and ambition are worthwhile.
The Germany Scholarship supports DIT students for one year with € 3,600 per scholarship. € 1,800 of the funding comes from companies or private sponsors, another
€ 1,800 from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
Students who excel in their studies are selected. Social, societal or student commitment is also included in the decision. In addition, special personal or family circumstances are also taken into account.
Application period and selection procedure:
Further information on the Germany Scholarship can also be found in our brochure.
Mentoring is the targeted promotion of junior and executive staff. An expert with professional experience (mentor) supports the learner (mentee) in further developing his or her personality and expanding professional skills. Mentoring consists primarily of passing on life and work experience and the elements of coaching, advice, support, networking and the exchange of ideas.
Within the framework of our mentoring programmes you have the opportunity to become active as a mentor and to support committed and interested THD students, so-called mentees. The function of a mentor is intended for experienced specialists or managers from a company or a scientific research institution.
We offer the following possibilities:
You declare your willingness to become active as a mentor at the THD via a profile sheet. Students of all fields of study who are interested in the mentor program should contact the Career Service. The Career Service will look for a suitable mentor taking into account your interests and wishes. The students then write an application for you as a mentor. It is entirely up to you to decide whether you would like to take on the mentorship. After an initial meeting, the mentorship can be sealed. The mentoring programme is not limited in time and can last throughout the entire course of studies.
A major concern of the Deggendorf Institute of Technology is to give special support to female students of engineering and computer science during their studies. The mentoring program MovING is connected to the BayernMentoring of the state conference of women's representatives at Bavarian HAWs (universities of applied sciences). It is primarily concerned with coaching, consulting, support and development of the personality of our female students. An insight into the everyday professional life of the company representatives completes the program. Here, female engineers and women from the IT sector can get involved and support our female students in these fields for one year. As a rule, the program starts in the summer semester with a kick-off event. The year is accompanied by workshops and seminars and non-binding meetings.
Once a year a large mentor reception is held at the Deggendorf University of Technology. With this event the Career Service offers all mentors and mentees from both programs a network meeting for exchange.
Are you interested in becoming active as a mentor? Please contact us.
Present yourself at the fastest-growing university in Bavaria and increase your profile.
Advertise your company to our 8,000 students: as an employer, for your products or events.
Learn more about the opportunities for cooperation:
You also have the option of renting rooms or open spaces at DIT for events, promotions, etc.
Learn more about the possibility to book a room or stand: