Ein Teil der Daten, die dieser Anbieter gesammelt hat, dient der Personalisierung und der Messung der Werbewirksamkeit.
Ein Teil der Daten, die dieser Anbieter gesammelt hat, dient der Personalisierung und der Messung der Werbewirksamkeit.
Ein Teil der Daten, die dieser Anbieter gesammelt hat, dient der Personalisierung und der Messung der Werbewirksamkeit.
There are two megatrends in the broad field of digitalisation: artificial intelligence and the security of digital systems. Courses in computer science offer great potential on the future job market, e.g. to contain potential dangers arising from the use of digital processes, as in the "Cyber Security" course of study, or a Bachelor's degree with the title "Artificial Intelligence", which stands out among German courses of study. But even with tried and tested courses of study such as Applied Computer Science, Business Informatics or Internet of Things, students can choose from countless career opportunities and help shape digital change.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Berl, Dean of the Faculty of Applied Computer Science
Please note: programmes with an EN side tab are completely instructed in English.
Staff in our workshops and science labs are enthusiastic about what they do and are passionate about technology, true to the principle: "If you want to build a ship, don't drum up men to get wood, assign tasks and divide the work, but teach them to crave for the wide, endless sea." (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)
Currently, this content is available only in German. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Vice Dean
Dean of Studies
Women's Representative
Programme coordinators
Study advisor
Internship coordination
Advisory Board:
Exam board:
Exam board I: WI-B, BI-B, KI-B, AIN-B, AID-M, LSI-M, WI-M, ASE-M
Exam board II: AI-B, IAS-B, SD-B, CY-B, AI-M, HPC/QC-M, GAM-M, Hochschulzertifikat "Forschungs- und Dissertationskompetenz"
Exam board III: WIDAS-B, WIbb-B, CY-M
Study assistant