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to Bavaria's most international University of Applied Sciences

prep courses.

start your studies perfectly prepared

We offer our applicants the following prep courses to guide them smoothly into the start of university life (only for the winter semester). Course blocks begin generally at the end of August and offer new students the opportunity to refresh and revise essential material. They are also a good chance to network and make friends before the semester starts.

This year we are only offering preparatory courses in German. Click here to see our course offer in German: Prep Courses


The block courses begin at the end of August and offer first semester students the opportunity to refresh and deepen their knowledge of these basic subjects.
The courses are also a good opportunity to get to know each other and network even before the actual lectures start.

Click here to register for the preparatory courses.

Cancellation: Cancellation is possible - free of charge - up to one week before the course starts, otherwise the full cost of the course must be paid.

In addition, the First Semester Mentoring Programme offers orientation at the start of the programme and in the first semester.


"let's get started" german prep course

Let's get started.


















German prep courses for international applicants.

`Let’s get Started´ is a preparational semester for international applicants, who have a university entrance qualification but an insufficient level of German for the admission to a German-based degree course. The programme aims to prepare these applicants for their studies in German and they are required a minimum GER level of B1 to enrol. DIT is an official examination centre, so students can easily take part in the required telc admission examinations at our campus examination centre in July, in preparation for the semester start in October.



  • German as a foreign language (DaF), with more than 500 lessons in the mornings
  • DaF Tutorials with over 80 lessons in the afternoons
  • Technical tutorials (in mathematics, physics, and IT), during the afternoon (block lectures)
  • Various workshops, such as intercultural trainings, team building, etc.

Download the Let's get Started flyer.



Let's get started takes place annually during the summer semester from mid-March to August.
Start date for 2025: Thursday, 6 March



The application period is the 1 September of the previous year as long as there are capacities (limited number of participants).

If you wish to apply in advance, please contact Tanja Mertadana or sign-up online.


  • Fadi Sami Snobar, Jordan

Before I came to Germany, I was looking for an intensive German course that would give me the opportunity to successfully start an engineering degree in Germany. I fond the "Let's get started" course in Deggendorf, which gave me exactly this opportunity. I attended the course from 15 March to 30 September 2015. During this time I not only got to know a lot of German but also many people from all over the world. In the winter semester 2015/2016 I started to study mechatronics at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology. Thanks to "Let's get started" the beginning of my studies was not that difficult, because we learned many scientific terms in the subjects mathematics, physics and computer science already in the course. I am now in my third semester and passed the previous semesters successfully. 

  • Catherine Tenorio Rodriguez, Colombia

After two semesters of General Engineering at DIT, I wanted to perfect my German by taking part in the preparatory semester "Let's get started". So I started the programme on 17 March, 2015. At the end of July I successfully passed the TestDaF exam. In October of the same year I started the study "Resources and Environmental Management" at DIT. I find this preparatory course with its practical learning methods by highly qualified professors very efficient. During the course, reading and listening comprehension are practised very intensively. In addition, great importance is attached to correct writing and speaking during the course. We were students from different countries and yet we always spoke German in class. I find that very important. Furthermore, there was always a great atmosphere in the course and it was great fun. So I can recommend "Let's get started" 100% to other students. 

  • Huai Zhe Chia, Malaysia:

I was informed by fellow students about the possibility of a German preparation course at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology. Therefore I completed the "Let's get Started" German preparation course in the summer semester 2016. I had mainly satisfying and wonderful experiences not only with the course but also with my whole stay here in Deggendorf. Personally, I think that the course is very well structured. The lecturers have helped us to practice the course materials intensively. For me the content of the course was interesting and informative. In addition, the lecturers are very friendly and helpful. I am infinitely grateful for them because without them I could not have passed the exam that well. Furthermore, the people here in Deggendorf are friendly and nice. I have had some unforgettable experiences and they have impressed me very much. At the moment, I'm studying full-time here at the university in the mechatronics course and so far I'm doing quite well. Nevertheless, I am very much looking forward to my student life here in Deggendorf. Above all, I feel very happy that I have the opportunity to study here. 

  • Krastyo Stoychev, Bulgaria

My name is Krastyo Stoychev and I come from Bulgaria. I came to Germany five years ago to study engineering. Since my German language skills were not sufficient, I first took part in the preparation course "Let's get started" in 2012. "Let's get started" gave me the right start for my studies. The comprehensive course programme not only improved my German language skills, but also taught me the basics in all the main subjects. Furthermore, "Let's get started" familiarised me with the German university system. In addition to the lessons, there were also numerous excursions and cultural events where you could see the sights of Germany. "Let's get started" was like a family for all participants because of the commitment and friendliness of the lecturers and organisers. Thanks to the preparatory semester, I successfully completed my Bachelor's degree Electrical Engineering within the standard period of study and currently I am continuing my studies in the master's degree at Deggendorf Institute of Technology. "Let's get started" - no other way leads faster to a successful study. 


participants 2019

participants 2018

participants 2017

participants 2016

participants 2015

participants 2014

participants 2013

participants 2012