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Project e-MeBe.

e-wellbeing and mental health in older adults



Four universities work together to develop a joint new master programme about e-wellbeing and mental health in older adults. Due to increased life expectancy, the share of elderly people is increasing. However, many older people suffer from mental problems. The programme teaches how the mental health of elderly people can be affected positively by offering new, virtual interaction points to stimulate, inform and entertain them and thus increasing their mental health status positively.



The project aims to develop a new joint virtual Master's programme. This requires defining the course content and developing a module manual with core and elective modules, preparing and testing virtual teaching methods and making decisions on the implementation of joint interaction and quality assurance processes. All these deliverables must reflect the nature of the programme: a virtual degree programme offered jointly by four universities.



The main result is the implementation of a virtual master course on e-wellbeing and mental health in older adults offered jointly by four universities. The unique aspects of this project lie in the cross-European implementation of a new study course about a major issue in European societies, which can be studied virtually in its main parts. This allows a unique programme with high accessibility and a very inclusive teaching approach, while additionally avoiding travel to reduce emissions.


Funding: Co-funded by the European Union (Erasmus+)

Duration: 01.09.2022 – 31.08.2024

priorities and topics



  • Promoting inter-connected higher education systems
  • Building inclusive higher education systems
  • Supporting digital and green capabilities of the higher education sector



  • Active ageing
  • Creating new, innovative or joint curricula or courses
  • Digital skills and competences


project partner


Responsibilities and core competencies

The project intends to involve HEI in international collaboration through build-up of a curriculum for a Joint Master e-Wellbeing and Mental Health in Older Adults. Each partner contributes with its expertise to the development of such a curriculum: DCU has broad expertise in mental health and well-being (School of Psychology), and has specific expertise in curriculum development (Teaching Enhancement Unit), CUAS is expert in User Experience/Acceptance and related Behaviour and Decision Making/Monitoring, DIAK has long knowledge in promoting sustainable well-being and DIT is the leading partner in Digital Health and Internationalization.

work packages


  Leading organisation
Project Management   DIT
Competencies and Needs Analysis DIT
Curriculum Development and Accreditation Framework DCU
Core and Elective Modules DIAK
Innovative Teaching and Didactics CUAS
Quality Assurance Processes DIT



11-12 June 2024:
Workshop of the project consortium in Deggendorf & online



  • Quality Assurance Process
  • Producing the Handbook
    • Core modules
    • Elective modules
  • Dissemination
  • E-Pedagocical Models, Methods and Tools






13 – 14 June 2023:
Workshop of the project consortium in Villach (FH Kärnten)


  • competences to be taught
  • rough framework of programme columns
  • development of personas
  • accreditation: overview of possible workstream structure,
  • first impression on map of required QA documents in Germany
  • eLearning platform: overview of eLearning preferences and experiences from survey results and demonstrating good practice in eLearning at CUAS
  • visit of the Director of the Europahaus Klagenfurt