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meet Barbara 

from Peru

Barbara from Peru

embracing diversity, celebrating unity



Name: Barbara

Country: Peru

Study programme: International Tourism Management


How do you say 'hello' in your native language:  Hola

What do you like the most about Pfarrkirchen? The tranqillity of the Bavarian nature surrounding the city

What do you like most about DIT? ECRI's multi-cultural integration in line with its values






Navigating a global pandemic and finding a connection at the ECRI

Being affected by the covid-19 pandemic, Barbara has struggled to meet international people in the 2020 summer semester because courses were taking place online. She has made the best of this unexpected challenge and has become more responsible and independent in her studies.

Originally from Lima, Peru, Barbara enjoys the peace and nature surrounding Pfarrkirchen. Here, she has learned that simplicity is enough. She wanted to study tourism in English and stumbled upon the ECRI in Pfarrkirchen. The beautiful countryside made the decision to come here very easy.

To stay focused and motivated, Barbara loves spending time in the ECRI library. Being open-minded has helped her to show respect, love and tolerance to the people around her. In her opinion, this is the most important ECRI value. She feels motivated when she sees other people studying around her, experiencing the internationality and feeling the same kind of connection by being so far away from home.

Meet Barbara

from Peru