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meet James 

from the USA

James from the USA

embracing diversity, celebrating unity



Name: James

Country: USA

Study programme: Industrial Engineering


How do you say 'hello' in your native language: Hello

What do you miss about your home country? Doughnuts, BBQ and spicy breakfast sausages

What do you like most about DIT? The low tuition fees and the diversity







Building friendships and a future in Germany

James decided to come to Pfarrkirchen because the ECRI offered exactly the programme he wanted to study. For an American, it was also refreshing that it didn´t charge exorbitant tuition fees.

What makes the ECRI special, according to James, is its diversity and inclusiveness. He likes that the community on campus lives by the value of empathy. Being here has allowed James to grow a lot personally and has given him the opportunity to make friends from all over the world.  That´s why he likes being on campus at lunchtime, when there are so many people to see and interact with.

Food is important to James. It is no surprise that his first German word was “lecker”, which means tasty or delicious. One of James´ favourite foods here is “Weißwurstfrühstück” (a traditional type of breakfast with veal sausages). But he still misses good doughnuts, real BBQ and spicy breakfast sausages from the US.

After graduation, he would like to work for a European company and travel the world. He plans to apply for an in-house training programme or higher-level positions.  Depending on the job market after Corona, he might also consider a Master´s degree.

Meet James

from the USA