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Interactive Alpine villages & malignant melanoma at the 11th Day of Research

Spanning the range from malignant melanoma to the interactive Alpine village ‒ 11th Day of Research at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology (DIT)

12.3.2024 | DIT Public Relations

Eight researchers presenting their research projects in only four minutes for each. On the 11th Day of Research, the aim once more was to communicate scientific work such that non-specialists can understand it. The annual event at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology (DIT) was held onsite on 12 March, after having been a pure online event during the past five years.

Conducting research is their main business, but communicating their endeavors and results ‒ to scientists from other disciplines as well as to non-specialists ‒ is something outside of their comfort zone. On the Day of Research, the one presentation which best achieves this aim is traditionally honored with the Best Presentation Award. The three best scientific posters receive Best Poster Awards and bookshop vouchers. Laura Lemberger impressed the audience and especially the expert jury with her concise and fascinating presentation on „The prognostic role of the TSR in PDAC ‒ evaluation of the relationship between the tumor-stroma ratio and the Ki-67 and p53 status in ductal adenocarcinoma“. The glass trophy, which is passed on from winner to winner every year, thus also went to her team under the leadership of Prof. Dr. med. habil. Thiha Aung (DIT), Prof. Dr. Silke Haerteis (University of Regensburg) and Prof. Dr. Christina Hackl (University Hospital Regensburg).

Like in recent years, the posters were designed according to the principle ‘One picture, one caption ‒ research at one glance’. The Best Poster Awards winners were: Nils Rabeneck (TC Hutthurm) with AutoClean, an automated post-processing station for powder-based 3D printing, Mahboubeh Tajmirriahi (TC Vilshofen) with ELISA, an electromobility concept with interoperable and secure architectures, and Lukas Schmidbauer (Health Campus Bad Kötzting) with the topic of cargivers' perceptions of AI.

The other participants also showcased the strength of the research at the DIT with their diverse and fascinating projects: spanning from the Digital Alpine Village, a digitalization concept for a successful, sustainable intermunicipal future in rural Alpine regions (Frank Edenharter) and transcription regulation in malignant melanoma (Zubeir El Ahmad), to projects such as CAIDAN, the AI-supported attribution of cyberattacks in industrial networks (Santhosh Kumar Nataraj) and Greenglass 4. 0, the production of sustainable glass (Andreas Hanninger) as well as C-AFM, approaches for optimization in conductive atomic force microscopy (Jonas Weber). A total of 24 posters were submitted for the 11th Day of Research, which were evaluated by an expert jury of four.

After the presentations, six topic-specific workshops were offered. The aim was to expand networks outside of the DIT and to facilitate knowledge transfer in the form of mutual exchange with partners from professional practice. Andreas Grzemba, who was the Vice President Research and Knowledge Transfer until mid-March 2024, gave the keynote speech. In his presentation, he emphasized how important it is to make research accessible to the general public and to support scientists with formats such as the Day of Research.

Additional information and all posters may be found at Day of Research

Bild (DIT): Laura Lemberger, winner of the Best Presentation Award with Vice Presicent Andreas Grzemba