Library Info for First Semester Students
27.9.2024 | Library
Here is an initial overview of what is important at the start of the semester:
Training offers:
Visit our training course Basic Library Knowledge and learn everything you need to know about the library. This training is as part of the PLV compulsory for some degree programmes (AI, EM, ET und IAS). There are numerous dates at the beginning of the semester (face-to-face and online).
Alternatively, you can find out more on your own via our homepage.
Create a library account:
A library account is required for borrowing printed media, locker keys and study rooms: Account opening
Printed media can be retrieved independently from the shelves (if necessary after a prior OPAC search) and borrowed from the self-check-in desk.
Electronic media can be found in the OPAC and can be accessed via VPN or Eduroam.
No library account is required for this, only the university ID for logging into VPN/Eduroam.
Library as a place of learning: