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meet Ayelen 

from Argentina

Ayelen from Argentina

Embracing Diversity, Celebrating Unity



Name: Ayelen

Country: Argentina

Study programme: Graduated in International Tourism Management


How do you say 'hello' in your native language?: Hola

What do you miss about your home country? The big hustling life of Buenos Aires

What do you like most about DIT? Living in a more rural area

What do you like about living in Bavaria? The opportunities





Ayelen's pursuit of her dreams

Ayelen took the big step of moving from Argentina to Germany to study International Tourism Management. The biggest difference is the size of Buenos Aires compared to the small, rural town of Pfarrkirchen.

In order to get accustomed to the Bavarian language and culture, she started working at a petrol station. She loves the nature surrounding Pfarrkirchen and how close everything is in town. She misses the hustling life of Buenos Aires, the nightlife and the food, but she enjoys living in a more rural area with relatively easy access to nearby cities such as Munich or Passau.

Ayelen stayed in Germany after her graduation. She wants to work in destinationmanagement or start a destination management Master´s degree in Italy. The phrase “Auf Wiedersehen” is her favourite German expression, as it means “Until we meet again”. This phrase has a very special meaning to her and reflects her feelings towards her future in Germany and Pfarrkirchen.

Meet Ayelen

from Argentina