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meet ERSIlja 



Embracing Diversity, Celebrating Unity



Name: Ersilja

Country: Albania

Study programme: Industrial Engineering


How do you say 'hello' in your native language? Përshëndetje

What do you miss about your home country? My favourite Albanian food

What do you like most about DIT? I found a place that I love in Pfarrkirchen

What do you like about living in Bavaria? The nature and how much people care about it in every detail






Ersilja's Bavarian heaven found at DIT

“Home is where you can lay down your head and feel a warm aura around you. You feel peace in the air and are as calm as you can be.” For Ersilja, family and people you deeply care about are really important in life. That´s why she highly values empathy and thinks it can make the world a better place.

Ersilja always wanted to come to Bavaria and even though it took a bit of getting used to, she has now found a place that she loves in Pfarrkirchen. There is one thing from home that she misses however: food. Her favourite Albanian food is impossible to recreate here, at least if you do not have your own garden. That is why she likes the Mensa at the ECRI the most. There is food and there are friends to meet over lunch.

What Ersilja thinks stands out in Pfarrkirchen is the nature and how much people care about it in every detail. That´s why she loves to watch the sunset over the Rottauen. Nature and the atmosphere in Bavaria have made her realise that she would love to stay in the area after her graduation.

Meet Ersilja

from Albania