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meet Hashem 

from Jordan

hashem from Jordan

embracing diversity, celebrating unity



Name: Hashem

Country: Jordan

Study programme: Industrial Engineering


How do you say 'hello' in your native language:  مرحبا (Marhaba)

What do you miss about your home country? The big family gatherings

What do you like most about DIT? The quality of education and the international atmosphere







Opportunities and the feeling of belonging at the ECRI

For Hashem, home is a place where you feel wanted and welcomed, a place where all your worries disappear, where you have minutes to appreciate the graces and blessings you have. He found all this at the ECRI, his new home. He initially chose this campus because it offers Industrial Engineering in English, but it has given him much more. He appreciates its international orientation and the atmosphere that gives people a sense of belonging. ECRI´s international atmosphere and quality of education made it the perfect choice for him.

Although he loves the ECRI and Pfarrkirchen, he misses his friends and family. Especially the big family gatherings they have in Jordan when your family is around is a big cultural difference Hashem has experienced since coming to Pfarrkirchen. Nevertheless, he has fallen in love with the Rottal-Inn region, the nature, the forests and the snowy weather in winter. He would like to show this to his family when they visit. For Hashem, the region and Germany offer many opportunities. That´s why he wants to
stay here after his studies and, if everything goes according to plan, start his own business.

Meet Hashem

from Jordan