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exciting construction challenges lie ahead

become a part of them!

civil and environmental engineering, m.eng.

faculty of civil and construction engineering

buildings and environment in harmony

#infrastructure #digitalplanning #statics #timberconstruction #watermanagement #bridgeconstruction #buildingconstruction

#solidconstruction #metalconstruction #geotechnics

 #sustainableconstruction #buildingdynamics #fire protection #climateprotection #regenerativeenergies #groundwaterprotection #recycling #energysaving

 #thermalprotection #informatics #law #bim #projectmanagement #constructionmanagement #digitalconstruction #master #civilengineering

 #environmentalengineering #energy #water #watermanagement #buildingtechnology


Faster, higher, further was yesterday. Today it's more efficient, more exclusive, more sustainable. As different as the wishes, ideas and regulations for our world of the future are, they all have one thing in common: they are complex and all need to be catered for without exception.

That's why successful companies and engineering firms in the civil and environmental sector are looking for engineers like you who can independently and creatively apply in-depth scientific and interdisciplinary knowledge in the field of civil and environmental engineering. After all, the wheel of technical progress in engineering-related areas of the construction and environmental sector is turning relentlessly, while new challenges are constantly putting the status quo to the test - especially with regard to climate and environmental protection. Naturally, all these aspects need to be taken into account from the planning to the execution and completion of construction projects.

Are you a civil engineer, environmental engineer or graduate of a relevant technical degree programme and want to expand your skills and expertise in order to harmonise the environment and construction in the future?

The Master's degree programme in Civil and Environmental Engineering offers you the ideal conditions for this. You can choose between core subjects from both the Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering degree programmes, allowing you to boost your career and promotion prospects with in-depth specialist knowledge, expertise in digital methods (BIM) and practical management skills.

fact sheet civil and environmental engineering

Degree: Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)

Duration: 3 semesters (18 months)

ECTS points: 90

Start: October & March (winter & summer semester)

Location: Deggendorf

Taught in: German

Application period:

  • Entry in Ocotber (WS): 15 April - 15 July
  • Entry in March (SS): 1 October - 15 January

Course requirements

  • Language requirements
  • Successfully completed university degree in a relevant technical degree programme in the field of civil engineering or environmental engineering or an equivalent domestic or foreign degree (at least 180 ECTS credits, usually 210 ECTS credits).
  • Sufficient practical knowledge (completed practical study semester or a comparable related practical engineering activity)
  • Further module groups to be verified and previous subject knowledge are specified in the study and examination regulations under § 2 Para. 1 c).

Fields of study:

  • Civil Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering


  • Research project "Energy Technology" at the University of Luxemburg
  • Research project "Water" at Budapest University



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CHE ranking 2019/20:

CHE University Ranking 2019/20: Top group in civil and environmental engineering (contact to professional practice)

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career prospects

After completing your Master's degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering, you will be able to carry out demanding engineering activities in the planning, construction and execution of various projects and find effective solutions to complex interdisciplinary problems without losing sight of climate and environmental protection.

As a civil engineer, you will plan and construct residential and commercial buildings, bridges and tunnels, among other things. You take care of infrastructure such as roads, railway lines, water and wastewater networks.

As an environmental engineer, you will develop systems for the discharge and purification of wastewater, ecological water management, recycling and reutilisation, for example. You will create energy concepts and implement them in buildings and structures or work on environmental impact assessments.

Your Master's degree programme will open the doors to a variety of jobs in engineering and planning offices, in state and municipal administrations, in industrial and commercial companies (particularly in the construction, environmental, energy, water and housing sectors) as well as at universities and research institutions.

alumni review

Gertraud Wolf

2021 | Master Civil and Environmental Engineering

Career Development

During my Bachelor's degree in Environmental Engineering at the THD, my focus was already on technical building equipment (TGA) and Building Information Modelling (BIM). I have been involved in building services engineering from the 4th semester to the present day. As I also wanted to consolidate the theory in practice, I have been working in an engineering office for technical building services ever since. I also chose my specialisations for the Master's degree course in Civil and Environmental Engineering accordingly. While I spent my free study days working on the planning of technical systems, I still had another focus: working on planning processes as efficiently as possible, with networking and with a high degree of digitalisation. This led me to my second specialisation, BIM.

After completing my Master's degree in the summer semester of 2021, I joined the same engineering firm as an internal BIM manager. This was followed by further training in the field of BIM in order to introduce the methodology within the office together with my BIM team, define standards and implement them in projects. In addition to my work as a BIM manager, I also work as a research assistant in the field of teaching and research with the aim of obtaining a doctorate and as a freelance honorary lecturer in my two specialisations. Since the summer semester 2024, I have also been able to return to DIT. This time not as a student, but as a lecturer in the field of TGA.

Reminiscing allowed: remember your student days

DIT and the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering in particular, has a family atmosphere. You know your fellow students here, which has a corresponding effect on the team spirit during and after your studies. There were many wonderful moments, celebrations and memories that I look back on today. Friendships developed during the preparatory course and are still going strong today. Friends with whom we went through some ups and downs during certain modules. But we made it! When I'm in the city of Deggendorf, I sometimes deliberately park near the campus rather than in the city centre. Just to walk past the buildings, stroll around the campus and reminisce.

What advice would you give to today's students?

"Focus - Concentrate - Realise!"
This motto emerged from our final excursion and has stayed with me ever since.If you have your goals in mind, you can achieve anything!

There are many paths open to you in the field of civil and environmental engineering.By choosing the right subjects, you can focus and concentrate on various areas at the BIW faculty and realise them professionally later on.

Take advantage of the continuing education programmes at the university.The specialist symposia and trade fairs were particularly helpful to me.These are a good opportunity to network with experts from the field during your studies. As a student, you have nothing to lose. On the contrary: networking will be important for you later in your career. So it's all the better if you can pick up this skill during your studies. 

At the end of the semester (or day), don't forget to enjoy your time at university, because it's a once-in-a-lifetime experience!

Florian Sörgel

2020 | Master Civil and Environmental Engineering

Career Development

Before I started studying at DIT (2015 - 2020), I completed my subject-specific and then general higher education entrance qualification at the FOS Hof. Originally, I wanted to study to become a teacher. However, as the recruitment and transfer opportunities were very unclear at the time, my focus shifted to a degree programme in environmental engineering. I quickly realised that I wanted to pursue a career in which I would "leave my mark" at the end of the day and where you could always see tangible progress. Media technology, electrical engineering or business studies were never an option for me.

So I wanted to build something, especially environmentally conscious construction in combination with energy supply had brought me to Deggendorf. So I started the bachelor's degree in "Resource and Environmental Management", but through various lectures I realised that I was more interested in pure civil engineering. That's why I completed various internships at construction companies (Josef Rädlinger Bauunternehmen, AS Bau Hof) and an engineering office (Planungsbüro Schnabel). Through these internships, I found my future and current employer, Rädlinger Straßen- und Tiefbau GmbH in Selbitz. During my bachelor's degree and subsequent master's degree in "Civil and Environmental Engineering", I further deepened my knowledge and expertise in asphalt and road construction through student trainee jobs and final theses (bachelor's and master's theses) in Selbitz. I also had the opportunity to spend my entire 3rd master's semester in the company and worked there on a 20-hour basis while writing my thesis, which I found particularly helpful due to the many contacts with the then motorway directorate, now Autobahn GmbH des Bundes, the state building authorities and the proximity to practice.

I am currently working as a site manager in asphalt construction and - even though I am currently deviating somewhat from the initial idea of "environmentally conscious construction" (after all, asphalt is partly made of bitumen/petroleum 😉) - I have really found my dream job and wouldn't want to miss it. After a few years of professional experience, I am now also able to train and instruct the first young professionals/students, where the career aspiration of being a teacher from school age can then be realised.  

Reminiscing allowed: remember your student days

I could tell you so much about my time at university that there's probably not enough space left. I remember exactly how I and my fellow students arrived at THD as completely awkward and stressed first-year students. Luckily, that soon died down and we learnt exactly how studying works. You realised that you can achieve more as part of a team than if you try to struggle through the first few semesters on your own. The VDBau and higher semesters in particular help the newcomers with old lecture notes, exams, tutorials or simply in conversations and pass on your tips over a relaxed beer. All the THD events, the Christmas party (which was legendary in its own way every year), the mulled wine sale, every VDBau regulars' table at Otto's, the Kneipenhupfa or the May festival also gave rise to countless friendships and stories. The THD was not only a university where I studied from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., but also a place where people simply met up in the evenings or during free hours and enjoyed spending their free time.

I will never forget the annual spring festivals, the Danube Festival and the countless pub/club trips during my time at university. I also made some lifelong friends here, which have since helped me in the professional world.

What advice would you give to today's students?

Really enjoy your time at university, because no-one will be able to give you this time, but they won't be able to take it away either. Exchange ideas with fellow students, especially with the higher semesters, this will really make your studies easier - nobody can give you better information and questions can't be answered better than by people who asked them themselves some time ago. Also use the time to connect, e.g. the VDBau or other clubs at DIT will help you during your studies, but also afterwards!

And rest assured: you will always get help at the TH Deggendorf - Mrs Heindl (secretariat of the BIW/UIW faculty) always had an open ear. Without her, my time at university would definitely have been more difficult.

Die Technische Hochschule Deggendorf ist die richtige Wahl, wenn du in einem sehr familiären Umfeld hochqualifiziert ausgebildet werden möchtest. In der Fakultät „BIW – Bauingenieurwesen und Umwelttechnik“ bekommst Du in den verschiedensten Teilbereichen des Bau- und Umweltingenieurwesens Fachwissen vermittelt. Dies wird Dir durch eine gute Kombination aus Praxis und Theorie viele Türen im späteren Berufsleben eröffnen.

Antonia, Studentin Bau- und Umweltingenieurwesen

Structure of the cOURSE

The Master's degree programme in Civil and Environmental Engineering is designed as a full-time programme and comprises three semesters.

Based on your previous career, you can choose to specialise in civil engineering or environmental engineering. You will study subjects such as structural dynamics, water management, recycling and disposal, industrial wastewater treatment and toxicology, finite element methods or metal construction. Digital methods (BIM) and management skills are also taught. A research project at the University of Luxembourg or the University of Budapest is also part of your degree programme.

The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering attaches great importance to practice-based teaching. Lectures are also regularly held outside the lecture theatres in order to familiarise students directly with procedures and problems in practice.

subject overview

Overview of lectures and courses, SWS (Semesterwochenstunden = weekly hours/semester) and ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) in the Master's degree Civil and Environmental Engineering.

The new semester overview will start in the WS 2022/2023.

Sommersemester SWS ECTS
Building Construction 2 and Building Design * 4 5
Finite Elements: An Introduction to the Method and its Applications * 4 5
Project Management for Civil and Environmental Engineers * 4 5
Mathematics 3 * 4 5
Geotechnics 2 * 4 5
Design of Transportation Infrastructure 2 * 4 5
Building Services Engineering 2 4 5
Dynamics of Structures 2 4 5
Building Information Modelling (BIM)  4 5
Turnkey Construction / Technical Extension 4 5
Practice of Construction and Environmental Law 5 5
Advanced English 4 5
Computer Science 2 4 5
Wintersemester SWS ECTS
Specific Subjects in Water and Wastewater Management * 4 5
Bridge construction * 4 5
Metal Structures 2 * 4 5
Timber Construction 2 * 4 5
Building Renovation and Fire Protection * 4 5
Dynamics of Structures 1 * 4 5
Urban Development 2 and Traffic Planning 4 5
Sustainable Building 2 4 5
Building Physics 2 4 5
Control Engineering 4 5
Recycling and Waste Management 4 5
Industrial Wastewater Treatment and Toxicology 4 5
Solid Construction 3 4 5
Regenerative Energies 2 4 5
Groundwater Protection and Water Treatment 4 5
Energy Performance of Buildings 4 5
Accounting and Controlling 4 5
Either in the Summer or Wintersemester  SWS ECTS
Research Project "Water" at the Univ. Budapest  - 10
Master Thesis (incl. Master presentation) - 20

* Focus Areas


Sommersemester SWS ECTS
Building Construction 2 and Building Design * 4 5
Finite Elements: An Introduction to the Method and its Applications * 4 5
Project Management for Civil and Environmental Engineers * 4 5
Mathematics 3 * 4 5
Geotechnics 2 4 5
Design of Transportation Infrastructure 2 4 5
Building Services Engineering 2 * 4 5
Dynamics of Structures 2 4 5
Building Information Modelling (BIM)  4 5
Turnkey Construction / Technical Extension 4 5
Practice of Construction and Environmental Law 5 5
Advanced English 4 5
Computer Science 2 4 5
Wintersemester SWS ECTS
Specific Subjects in Water and Wastewater Management * 4 5
Bridge construction  4 5
Metal Structures 2 4 5
Timber Construction 2 4 5
Building Renovation and Fire Protection 4 5
Dynamics of Structures 1 4 5
Urban Development 2 and Traffic Planning * 4 5
Sustainable Building 2 * 4 5
Building Physics 2 * 4 5
Control Engineering * 4 5
Recycling and Waste Management * 4 5
Industrial Wastewater Treatment and Toxicology * 4 5
Solid Construction 3 4 5
Regenerative Energies 2  4 5
Groundwater Protection and Water Treatment 4 5
Energy Performance of Buildings 4 5
Accounting and Controlling 4 5
Either in the Summer or Wintersemester  SWS ECTS
Research Project "Water" at the Univ. Budapest  - 10
Research Project "Energy Technology" at the Univ. Luxembourg - 10
Master Thesis (incl. Master presentation) - 20

* Focus Areas