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Intensive Language Courses at DIT

Intensive language courses at DIT

11.8.2020 | THD-Pressestelle

On September 8th, the intensive language courses at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology (DIT) will start again. External interested people are also welcome to improve their language skills, as there are still places available for one-week courses!

Whether Spanish, French, Italian, Chinese, Business English or Russian, DIT offers beginner and practice courses for numerous languages. They will probably consist of virutal sessions and self-study phases, depending on the situation. The language courses are offered over a period of three weeks, with one course lasting one week and comprising a total of 30 teaching units. The courses take place on weekdays, from Monday to Friday. The course fee for pupils, apprentices and students (also from other universities) is € 39, for all other participants € 120. On the last day of the language course is a final examination, with the passing of which the participants receive a certificate of the language level achieved.

Interested people can find the exact course offer and all other important information about the intensive language courses at https://www.th-deg.de/en/students/language-electives#intensive-courses
Registration is possible via e-mail to the DIT language centre: sprachenzentrum@th-deg.de

Bild (DIT): Laptop and headset: The intensive language course can start.