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develop global trends & destinations

qualify in this lucrative and appealing sector

international tourism development, m.a.

faculty european campus rottal-inn

develop global trends & destinations

International tourism generates billions of euros annually and is still one of the fastest-growing industries, inextricably linked to hospitality and event management sectors that both benefit from and add to the experience of international tourism in both business and pleasure environments.

Throughout the postgraduate International Tourism Development degree, you will broaden your expertise and deepen your knowledge of cross-sector industries throughout the health and tourism sector, such as spas, prevention centres, rehab clinics, sports centres, recreation, leisure and culture centres. The course includes global tourism trends such as:

  • Health and wellness tourism due to demographic change and rising health consciousness
  • Continued globalisation and urbanisation of destination package deals
  • The development of new international destinations
  • Increased digitalisation in the tourism industry through website booking engines
  • Increased customisation of travel packages with so-called “dynamic packaging“
  • Social networks as a communication base for marketing and travel destination reviews
  • Trends towards ecological, green tourism

Our university is an affiliate member of the United Nations World Tourism Organization. Therefore, with this excellent postgrad qualification in your pocket, you can look forward to an exciting career in this lucrative and appealing sector!

We introduce you to the Master's in International Tourism Development as part of our Master's Info Week! Click here to view the schedule:



fact sheet international tourism development

Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)

Duration: 3 semesters (18 months)

ECTS points: 90

Start: March (summer semester)

Location: European Campus Rottal-Inn, Pfarrkirchen

Taught in: English

Application period: 01 October - 01 December

Admission requirements:

Application procedure:

Tuition fees:

Download: Course flyer

Enquiries: welcome@th-deg.deprospective student advisors

career prospects

International tourism generates billions of euros annually and is still one of the fastest-growing industries.

It consists of a wide range of services and products which must meet the highest standards of quality and safety, yet be affordable for the consumer. Therefore, services in the industry are within complex processes with intercultural and multidisciplinary influences, so there is a high demand for qualified specialists in many specialised areas, such as:

  • Upper management tasks with tourism providers (airlines, hotels, organisations, gastronomy, event agencies, recreation and sports industry, etc.)
  • Product development in national and international booking and reservations agencies
  • Consulting, publicity and coaching for tourism destinations
  • Destination Management
  • Service design and product development for tourism providers and tourism destinations

Module Group International Tourism Management
Management in tourism takes places within an internationally cross-linked context. The tourism “system” is shaped by legal requirements at the national and international level, union regulations, as well as increasing international standardisation. At the same time, service provision takes places in an urban or regional context, often with a high degree of specialisation.

Module Group Empirical Research Methods
Evidence-based management is based on the principle of empirically supported management decisions. Web-based booking systems, touristic websites and social networks in eTourism offer a vast quantity of data which can currently only be processed through modern data mining and data analysis technologies. This data forms the basis for management decisions in tourism.

Module Group Business Economics
Sound business knowledge is also the basis for a successful career in the tourism industry. The modules aim in particular at providing students with knowledge, methods and instruments for future strategic decisions.

Module Group International Destination Managment
Students will be confronted with the complexity of community-based tourism destinations. Solutions will be presented on how a strategic development and marketing of destinations can succeed within the complex framework conditions. 

subject overview

Overview of the courses (From the Study and Examination Regulations), Weekly Semester Hours (SWS) and ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) for the Master's degree International Tourism Management.

1. Semester



Customer Experience Management



Current Issues in Business Administration
Aktuelle Themen der Betriebswirtschaft



Managerial Accounting
Unternehmenssteuerung und Rechnungslegung



Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Management
Interkulturelles und interdisziplinäres Managemen



Global and Regional Sustainable Tourism Development
Globale und regionale nachhaltige Tourismusentwicklung



Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods 1
Quantitative und qualitative Forschungsmethoden 1



Scientific Compulsory Elective Subjects I (AWP 1)
Allgemeinwissenschaftliches Wahlpflichtmodul I (AWP 1)



2. Semester



Scientific Compulsory Elective Subjects 2 (AWP 2)
Allgemeinwissenschaftliches Wahlpflichtmodul 2 (AWP II2



Applied Customer Experience Management
Angewandtes Kundenerlebnismanagement



Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods 2
Quantitative und qualitative Forschungsmethoden 2



Master Thesis Tutorial (Scientific Workshop)
Masterarbeit Tutorial (wissenschaftlicher Workshop)



Entrepreneurship and Business Development
Unternehmertum und Geschäftsentwicklung



Digital Marketing and Social Media in Tourism
Digitales Marketing und Social Media im Tourismus



Specialised Mandatory Elective Module
Fachspezifisches Wahlpflichtmodul (FWM)


4 5

3. Semester



Destination Development and Marketing
Destinationsentwicklung und –marketing



Specialised Mandatory Elective Module
Fachspezifisches Wahlpflichtmodul (FWM)



Master Thesis



international focus

The Deggendorf Institute of Technology is proud to be an affiliate member of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). Thanks to the strong international focus at the European Campus, our global network keeps us at the academic forefront of International Tourism.

View more of our outstanding rankings, awards, certificates & memberships at www.th-deg.de/en/dit/profile#rankings