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meet Chun Man 

from Hong Kong

Chun Man from Hong Kong

embracing diversity, celebrating unity



Name: Chun Man

Country: Hong Kong

Study programme: Medical Informatics 


How do you say 'hello' in your native language: 你好 (Nei hou)

What do you miss about your home country? Rice noodles with squid balls in sour-spicy soup

What do you like most about DIT? How dynamic and diverse the campus is







From Hong Kong's bustle to Pfarrkirchen's tranquillity

For Chun Man, the biggest difference between Pfarrkirchen and Hong Kong is that Pfarrkirchen is not as crowded as his hometown. He appreciates the nature that surrounds the town and the fact that you can walk to a farm with horses or large fields of corn in just a few minutes. It´s also something he´d like to do with his family when they come to visit: take a slow walk around the city and along the river, visit the city centre and the surrounding nature, and eat Asian food. He really misses his favourite dish, which is rice noodles with squid balls in a sour-spicy soup.

What he likes most about the ECRI is that it is so dynamic, diverse and international. He meets students from different countries, religions, cultures and personalities. He loves that he is constantly learning about other people and their unique stories. That´s why he recommends being openminded and getting to know other students on campus. For Chun Man, Germany in general is an international and diverse country with so many things to see, do and experience. He would like to stay in Germany
or the region after he graduates.