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  • Melanie Hazod
  • Johannes Klühspies
  • T. Mager

Studiengang Mobilitätsmanagement.

In: Der Nahverkehr-Öffentlicher Personenverkehr in Stadt und Region (Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen VDV) vol. 2014 pg. 62-64

  • (2014)
  • Melanie Hazod
  • Johannes Klühspies

Brennpunkt: Bahnhöfe im ländlichen Raum.

In: Der Nahverkehr-Öffentlicher Personenverkehr in Stadt und Region (Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen VDV) vol. 2016 pg. 28-30

  • (2016)
Beitrag in Sammelwerk/Tagungsband
  • Johannes Klühspies

Mobilität in der Schwebe. Magnetbahntechnologien zwischen Perspektive und Marktversagen.

  • In:
  • L. Schultz
  • Léon Broers

Stuttgart: Thieme


Buch (Sammelwerk)

Mobilität, Gesellschaft und Technik. Technische Hochschule Deggendorf

(vol. 1)


  • Johannes Klühspies

Höchste Eisenbahn: Weichen stellen für die Zukunft.

In: Ostbayerisches Magazin Lichtung (vol. 27)


Beitrag in Sammelwerk/Tagungsband
  • Marc Türnau

Ausgewählte Ergebnisse einer Befragung von Elektrofahrzeug-MieterInnen.

  • In:
  • Marc Türnau
  • Johannes Klühspies



Beitrag in Sammelwerk/Tagungsband
  • Johannes Klühspies
  • Marc Türnau

Elektromobilität im Bayerischen Wald: E-Wald.

  • In:
  • T. Mager

Köln: kölner stadt- und verkehrs-verlag (ksv)


Beitrag in Sammelwerk/Tagungsband
  • Marc Türnau
  • Johannes Klühspies

Elektromobilität, ländlicher Raum und Regionalentwicklung - Ansätze des Projekts E-WALD.

  • In:
  • T. Mager

Köln: kölner stadt- und verkehrs-verlag (ksv)


  • Melanie Hazod
  • T. Mager
  • Johannes Klühspies

Studiengang Mobilitätsmanagement.

In: Der Nahverkehr - Öffentlicher Personenverkehr in Stadt und Region (vol. 2014) , pg. 62-64


Beitrag in Sammelwerk/Tagungsband
  • Johannes Klühspies

The Maglev Option.


  • K. Klühspies
  • Johannes Klühspies

München - nicht wie geplant. Stadtpolitik, Bürgerwille und die Macht der Medien : eine überfällige Darstellung der weitgehend unbekannten Rolle von Bürger-Engagement und Medien-Einfluss auf die Stadtplanung.. (Editor: Münchner Forum e.V.).

München: Frank Schiermeier Verlag


Beitrag in Sammelwerk/Tagungsband
  • Johannes Klühspies

Disruptive Technologies and Their Long Term Perspectives - The Case of Maglev Transportation Systems.

  • In:
  • Johannes Klühspies
  • The International Maglev Board

Berlin: ksv-verlag Thomas J. Mager


Buch (Sammelwerk)

Maglev solutions for people, cities, and regions? 23rd International Conference MAGLEV 2016 (September 23rd-26th 2016, Berlin), Volume 2 of 2 - Maglev Projects, Implementations and Impacts.

ksv-verlag Thomas J. Mager


Buch (Sammelwerk)

Maglev Solutions for People, Cities, and Regions? 23rd International Conference MAGLEV 2016 (September 23rd-26th 2016, Berlin), Volume 1 of 2 - Technological Research and Development.

Berlin: ksv-verlag Thomas J. Mager


Beitrag in Sammelwerk/Tagungsband
  • Johannes Klühspies

Psychosoziale Grundlagen für ÖPNV-Konzepte.

  • In:
  • D. Apel
  • T. Bracher

Berlin; Bonn: Wichmann, Economica-Verlag anfangs


  • Johannes Klühspies

Warum Investitionen in die Magnetbahntechnologie sinnvoll sind.

In: Bahn Manager Magazin


Beitrag in Sammelwerk/Tagungsband
  • Johannes Klühspies

Aspects of Future Transport: Long Term Maglev Strategies instead of Conventional Rail Concepts?.


  • Johannes Klühspies

Future High Speed Ground Transport: Aspects of Prospects and Limitations of an Innovation of Maglev Systems. Keynote Speech/Invited Talk.

  • National Technical University of Ulsan.

Ulsan, South Korea 21.07.2016.


  • Johannes Klühspies

Disruptive Technologies and their long term perspectives: The case of the Japanese Chuo Maglev Transportation System. Keynote Speech/Invited Talk.

Duisburg 18.11.2016.


Beitrag in Sammelwerk/Tagungsband
  • Johannes Klühspies

Maglev trends in public transport: The perspectives of Maglev transportation systems.

DOI: 10.23919/LDIA.2017.8097240


  • Johannes Klühspies

Elektromobilität als kommunale Aufgabe?.

In: Kmu Rundschau (vol. September) , pg. 102


  • Johannes Klühspies

Maglev trends in public transport: the perspectives of maglev transportation systems.

In: Transportation Systems and Technology (vol. 4) , pg. 5-12


DOI: 10.17816/transsyst201843s15-12

The idea of considering Maglev systems challenges established ways of thinking on how to deal with an increasing transport demand. Today, the railway industry seems focused on traditional business models that profit from friction, wear and tear of established conventional transport systems. Maglev Systems have begun to challenge those traditional business concepts. Maglev is a fundamentally different concept of transport – which might explain the reluctance, even ignorance, which Maglev systems continue to face.
Beitrag in Sammelwerk/Tagungsband
  • Johannes Klühspies
  • E. Fritz
  • R. Kircher
  • M. Witt
  • L. Blow

Energy Consumption of Track-Based High Speed Trains: Maglev Systems in Comparison with Wheel-Rail Systems.

  • In:
  • The International Maglev Board


Beitrag in Sammelwerk/Tagungsband
  • Johannes Klühspies

2018: Maglev Trends in Public Transport.

  • In:
  • The International Maglev Board


  • Johannes Klühspies

Win-Win-Situation? Die Wirtschaftspolitik Chinas und die europäische Reaktion.

In: Forschung & Lehre


Buch (Sammelwerk)

Electromagnetic Fields of High-Speed Transportation Systems. Maglev Technologies in Comparison with Steel-Wheel-Rail.

The International Maglev Board (vol. 2)


  • Martina Hekler
  • Johannes Klühspies

Disruptive Technologies Transforming Urban Mobility? The Role of the Ecobee Urban Maglev System in the Seoul Traffic Vision 2030, South Korea.

In: Transportation Systems and Technology (vol. 4) , pg. 115-123


DOI: 10.17816/transsyst201843s1115-123

The dynamics and extent of disruptive technologies have been very well developed in Asian cities by the beginning of the 21st century, and are becoming particularly future-oriented. It also appears that urban mobility strategies in Asia are hardly slowed by resistance such as seen in the European context, where holding on to existing systems is the norm. The effects of accelerated mobility strategies in Asia are already apparent compared to what may be expected in Europe. So one could ask, which innovation processes will allow mobility to further develop? How will urban transport systems likely change in the future to minimize adverse impacts of current forms of mobility? In looking forward, any implementation of innovative mobility strategies heavily depends on spatial structures, transport networks and technologies as well as a political planning and decision-making. In Asia, concepts of transport and innovative transportation concepts (such as Rotem’s Ecobee Urban Maglev) are developing with considerable promise, which, if successful, can turn into trendsetters with considerable future relevance on a global scale.
  • E. Fritz
  • Johannes Klühspies
  • R. Kircher
  • M. Witt
  • L. Blow

Energy consumption of track-based high-speed trains: maglev systems in comparison with wheel-rail systems.

In: Transportation Systems and Technology (vol. 4) , pg. 134-155


DOI: 10.17816/transsyst201843s1134-155

Background: The energy consumption of a high-speed system is an important part of its total operational costs. This paper compares the secondary energy demand of different wheel-rail systems, such as ICE, TGV and Shinkansen, and maglev systems, such as Transrapid and Chuo Shinkansen. In the past, energy values of systems with different conditions (train configuration, dimension, capacity, maximum speed) were frequently compared. The comparative values were often represented by the specific energy consumption based on passenger capacity and line-kilometer values. Aim: The goal is to find a way to compare the specific energy consumption of different high-speed systems without any distortion of results. Methods: A comparison of energy values based on normative usable areas inside the high-speed systems will be described and evaluated in this paper, transforming the results to a more distortion-free comparison of energy consumption of different systems. Results: The results show the energy consumption as an important characteristic parameter of high-speed transportation systems based on an objective comparison and give ranges of expected energy demand of different systems dependent on maximum speed level. Conclusion: Up to the design speed of wheel-rail systems there are slight advantages in terms of energy consumption for the Transrapid maglev. From the perspective of energy consumption under consideration to reduce travel time, high-speed maglev systems represent a promising option for new railway projects. However, a project-specific system decision must be based on a complete life-cycle cost analysis, including investment cost
Buch (Sammelwerk)

Energy Consumption of Track-Based High-Speed Transportation Systems: Maglev Technologies in Comparison with Steel-Wheel-Rail.

The International Maglev Board (vol. 3)


  • Johannes Klühspies

Конференции Maglev: мечта и реальность.

In: РЖД·Партнер (vol. August) , pg. 15-16


  • M. Wenk
  • Johannes Klühspies
  • L. Blow
  • R. Kircher
  • E. Fritz
  • M. Witt
  • Martina Hekler

Practical Investigation of Future Perspectives and Limitations of Maglev Technologies: Results of an International Survey among Transport Experts and Specialists Maglev.

In: Transportation Systems and Technology (vol. 4) , pg. 85-104


DOI: 10.17816/transsyst201843s185-104

Results of an International Survey among Transport Experts and Specialists Maglev. With the aim of tracking current trends in the market perspectives of magnetic levitation, or maglev technologies, the non-profit International Maglev Board conducted a primary study in the spring of 2018 among maglev specialists and transportation professionals. More than 1 000 professionals took part in the survey. Main topics of the study are questions comparing the suitability of conventional wheel-on-rail and maglev technologies according to application areas. Predicted opportunities and developments in maglev technology, acceptance issues and research needs are analyzed. The results are broken down by expertise and nationality of the participants. This short version presents selected findings of the survey in compressed form. Background: There is an obvious need for information on international trends in the application of Maglev transport technologies. The study attempts to grasp the global dimension of magnetic levitation developments in a structured way. Aim: To track current trends in magnetic levitation transport system innovation. Identify perspectives, research tasks and implementation barriers. Comparison of magnetic levitation systems with steel wheel systems. Analysis of the key topics of the debate. Methods: Primary study in spring 2018 among 1 058 maglev specialists and transport experts. Internet-based online survey. Results: The ratings vary greatly according to the expertise and origin of the respondents. In certain fields of application, wheel-rail systems remain the preferred transport technology. But in certain other fields of application, maglev technologies have become preferred over conventional steel-wheel-rail by a majority of transport professionals. This is particularly the case for high-speed maglev transport and for the new application of maglev elevators in buildings. At the same time, many respondents see a continuing need for research. Conclusion: Overall, there is a differentiated picture. Respondents from North and South America, Russia and Asia are on average particularly open to an implementation of certain maglev technologies.
Buch (Sammelwerk)

Maglev: Science Experiment or the Future of Transport? Practical Investigation of Future Perspectives and Limitations of Maglev Technologies in Comparison with Steel-Wheel-Rail.

München: The International Maglev Board (vol. 1)


  • R. Kircher
  • R. Palka
  • E. Fritz
  • K. Eiler
  • M. Witt
  • L. Blow
  • Johannes Klühspies

Electromagnetic fields related to high speed transportation systems.

In: Transportation Systems and Technology (vol. 4) , pg. 152-166


DOI: 10.17816/transsyst201842152-166

Issue: The potential health risks on passengers and the environment related to electromagnetic fields caused by the operation of electrically driven high speed transportation systems has become a major issue. Especially the magnetic flux density or induction can generate physiological effects in body tissues. Aim: In this paper, we compare calculated and experimental values of electromagnetic fields in rail-wheel systems such as ICE with the Maglev-systems Transrapid and the JR Maglev-system, based on available data. Method: To estimate the impact on passengers, the field contributions generated by the power supply system as well as by the drive and suspension systems are taken into account. For the comparison, the peak values of the electromagnetic fields have been considered. Results: The results show, that there are no health risks from the electric fields. Regarding the magnetic induction, the calculated the peak values remain well below the limits given by national regulations. In the case of the Transrapid and the JR Maglev system, the measured peak values in the environment and inside the vehicle depend on the levitation and the guidance technology and the geometrical parameters. The JR Maglev system requires effective magnetic shielding measures which are connected with heavy materials. Since such materials may have a negative influence on the energy balance and the economics of operation, R&D efforts are focusing on the optimization of materials and the structure of shields. Conclusion: In high speed transportation systems there are no potential risks from electrical fields. Regarding magnetic fields, the induction generated by the power supply and the drive system remain well below the frequency dependent limits. The situation is different for magnetic levitation systems, depending on the suspension and guidance technology. Especially the JR Maglev requires effective shielding measures. The shielding materials may have a negative impact on the energy balance.
  • Johannes Klühspies
  • M. Hoffmann
  • D. Fuchsberger

Schloss Nymphenburg ‐ Potentiale und Barrieren einer Nominierung als UNESCO Weltkulturerbe.


Beitrag in Sammelwerk/Tagungsband
  • Johannes Klühspies

Ein Bahnhof ist das Zugangstor zur Mobilität.


  • Johannes Klühspies

Current developments in maglev transport technologies: A brief look at global trends. Keynote speech.

  • Petersburg State Transport University Alexander I..

St. Petersburg, Russia 23.-24.05.2019.


  • Johannes Klühspies

Leitthema, Digitalisierung und Geographie. Sitzungsleitung.

Kiel 25.-30.09.2019.


  • Johannes Klühspies

Hochgeschwindigkeitsverkehr der Zukunft: Zukunftsperspektiven für Rad‐Schiene, Magnetbahn und Hyperloop?. Keynote.

  • Thüringer Museum für Elektrotechnik e.V..

Erfurt 24.10.2019.


  • Johannes Klühspies


Deggendorf 14.-16.11.2019.


  • Johannes Klühspies

Маглев Транспортные Технологии: как извлечь выгоду из такого фундаментального изменения технологической парадигмы, как принять участие в этом технологическом скачке? (Maglev Transport Technologies – how to benefit from such a fundamental technological paradigm shift, how to participate in this technological leap?).. Invited Talk.

  • Akademie der Wissenschaften, Moskau.

Moskau, Russland 20.11.2019.


  • Johannes Klühspies

Trends der Verkehrs- und Stadtentwicklung: Aspekte von Perspektiven und Grenzen. Chinese Delegation.

  • Technische Hochschule Deggendorf.

Deggendorf 03.12.2019.


  • Johannes Klühspies
  • Martina Hekler

A Maglev, a Tunnel, a River. On the Delays in the Realiziation of the Tokyo‐Nagoya Maglev Line.

In: Transportation Systems and Technology (vol. 6) , pg. 31-42


DOI: 10.17816/transsyst20206331‐42.

The Chuo Shinkansen is a Japanese maglev line under construction between Tokyo and Osaka. On a central section of the line, construction has come to a standstill in 2020 for reasons of regional policy. This threatens the completion of the entire line. The article describes some of the interests triggering the underlying conflict. Some of the key points contained in the Japanese solution proposals are summarized. Overall, the opening of the high-speed maglev system is likely to be postponed by several years.
  • Johannes Klühspies
  • R. Kircher
  • E. Fritz
  • L. Blow
  • K. Eiler
  • M. Stockl
  • Martina Hekler
  • Melanie Hazod

Feinstaubemissionen im spurgeführten Hochgeschwindigkeitsverkehr. Rad-Schiene-Hochgeschwindigkeitsbahnsysteme im Vergleich mit Magnetschnellbahntechnologien.

The International Maglev Board Volume 4)


  • F. Eiler
  • R. Kircher
  • M. Witt
  • F. Eckert
  • Johannes Klühspies

The use of rare earth elements in wheel‐rail and maglev transport systems - a system-specific overview. Fact sheet. The International Maglev Board.


  • Johannes Klühspies
  • R. Kircher
  • E. Fritz
  • K. Eiler

Particulate matter in highspeed rail and maglev systems | Тонкая пыль в высокоскоростных рельсовых системах и маглев | Feinstaubemissionen bei Hochgeschwindigkeitszügen und Magnetschnellbahnen.

The International Maglev Board Volume 5)


  • Johannes Klühspies
  • R. Kircher
  • E. Fritz
  • K. Eiler
  • L. Blow
  • M. Stockl

Feinstaubemissionen im spurgeführten Hochgeschwindigkeitsverkehr (Eine Diskussion zur ökologischen Nachhaltigkeit).

München: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek


  • F. Eckert
  • M. Witt
  • Johannes Klühspies
  • K. Eiler

Weltweite Magnetbahnentwicklungen und deren Einsatzchancen - Teil 2.

In: DER EISENBAHNINGENIEUR (vol. 12) , pg. 47-50


Die Entwicklung von Magnetschwebebahnen und deren Anwendung blickt inzwischen auf einen Zeitraum von mehr als 50 Jahren zurück. Der Beitrag stellt die heutigen maßgebenden verkehrstechnologischen Entwicklungslinien auf dem Magnetbahnsektor im internationalen Raum dar, analysiert die Magnetbahnanwendungen weltweit vor dem Hintergrund verschiedener verkehrlicher Einsatzbereiche für den Hochgeschwindigkeitsverkehr (HGV) sowie den Nah- und Regionalverkehr und diskutiert die Einsatzchancen für die verschiedenen Länder mit Magnetbahnplanungen und Anwendungsprojekten. Dies ist Teil 2 des Beitrags ( https://www.eurailpress.de/ei ).
  • Johannes Klühspies
  • Martina Hekler

Ein Magnetschnellbahnkonflikt als Treiber japanischer Regionalentwicklung.

In: STANDORT - Zeitschrift für Angewandte Geographie (vol. 45) , pg. 102-107


DOI: 10.1007/s00548-021-00727-5

In Japan ist seit 2014 zwischen Tokyo und Nagoya eine Magnetschnellbahnlinie für Geschwindigkeiten über 500 km/h im Bau. Im Jahr 2020 hat die Präfektur Shizuoka auf ihrem Territorium jedoch den bereits weit fortgeschrittenen Streckenbau blockiert. Für eine Zustimmung zur Baufortführung fordert die Präfektur stärkere Projektbeteiligung, mehr ökonomische Teilhabe, strengere Umweltschutzauflagen und vor allem große zusätzliche Investitionen in die gesamte regionale Verkehrsinfrastruktur, inklusive eines eigenen Bahnhofs der Magnetschnellbahn in der Präfektur. Der Betreiber und Projektentwickler JR Central widersetzt sich solchen Forderungen jedoch vehement. Insgesamt dürfte sich durch den Konflikt eine Eröffnung der japanischen Magnetschnellbahn um einige Jahre verschieben. Der Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über die Interessenlagen und Konflikte zwischen wesentlichen Akteuren.
  • F. Eckert
  • M. Witt
  • Johannes Klühspies
  • K. Eiler
  • D. Harder

Weltweite Magnetbahnentwicklungen und deren Einsatzchancen - Teil 1.

In: DER EISENBAHNINGENIEUR (vol. 11) , pg. 53-57


  • Johannes Klühspies
  • S. Hänel
  • R. Kircher

Hyperloop? Ergebnisse einer internationalen Umfrage im Verkehrswesen.

München: The International Maglev Board


Beitrag in Sammelwerk/Tagungsband
  • Johannes Klühspies
  • M. Witt

High-speed maglev systems: Disruptive technologies in passenger transport?.

pg. 1-5


  • Johannes Klühspies
  • R. Kircher
  • S. Hänel
  • M. Witt
  • L. Blow

Maglev systems for urban and regional transport?. An international survey in the transport sector = Magnetbahnen für den Stadt- und Regionalverkehr?.

München: The International Maglev Board Volume 7)


  • Johannes Klühspies
  • R. Kircher
  • M. Witt
  • S. Haenel
  • L. Blow

On the suitability of medium speed maglev transport systems: an analysis of perceptions in the transportation sector.

In: Modern Transportation Systems and Technologies (vol. 9) , pg. 75-94


DOI: 10.17816/transsyst20239375-94

Medium speed maglev transport systems are considered a disruptive innovation. This complicates potential access to the transport market, which is dominated by conventional, traditional transport systems. Can maglev systems compete with them? Aimed specifically at transport professionals, the survey analyses current [2023] perceptions of maglev systems for passenger and freight transport. Are medium speed maglev systems suitable for the future of transport from the perspective of transport experts? Methods: International web survey of five hundred professionals in the transport sector. The focus is on application and suitability. It is not a technical comparison of systems. Results: Medium-speed maglev systems are considered to be competitive, and in some cases superior, to established transport systems in the same speed range. However, most international experts see the suitability of maglev systems primarily for specific applications, such as passenger transport between airports and city centers, or as a freight transport system for special logistics tasks. Conclusion: An innovation of maglev systems in well-defined applications seems reasonable and promising from an expert's point of view.
Beitrag in Sammelwerk/Tagungsband
  • R. Kircher
  • F. Eckert
  • Johannes Klühspies

Particulate Matter Emissions in Track-Bound High-Speed Transportation Systems.

pg. 1-5


  • Johannes Klühspies
  • Melanie Hazod

Aspekte des Mobilitätsmanagements: Erfolgsfaktoren für eine Reaktivierung regionaler Bahnstrecken.

München: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek



Verkehrswissenschaften. Verkehrsträgermanagement.