A research agenda for circular food waste management in Bavaria.
A research agenda for circular food waste management in Bavaria.
In: Transportation Research Procedia (vol. 67) , pg. 131-136
DOI: 10.1016/j.trpro.2022.12.043
A research agenda on business models and logistics concepts for food waste prevention. Posterpräsentation.
Straubing 27.-29.09.2022.
Geschäftsmodelle und Supply Chain-Konzepte zur Vermeidung von Lebensmittelverschwendung.
Technische Hochschule Deggendorf 20.01.2023.
Your waste is my resource - Assessment of the waste potential of food supply chains for circular bioeconomy applications in the DACH- area.
Twente, The Netherlands 09.-12.07.2023.
Prevent, rescue, or recycle: mapping innovative food loss and food waste business models in a circular economy context. Best PhD Presentation.
Leeds, England 09.01.2024.
Factors for success and failure of decentralized circular food supply chains.
Bangkok, Thailand; Online 08.07.2024.
Navigating Resource Scarcity: Insights into Logistics Challenges and Future Adaptations in Supporting Food Banks Across Europe.
Dublin, Ireland 05.09.2024.
Leveraging Gleaning to Address Logistics Challenges in Food Bank Supply Chains Amid Resource Scarcity.
Online 07.10.2024.