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Kathrin Auer, M.A.


ITC2 2.22


Beitrag in Sammelwerk/Tagungsband
  • Kathrin Auer

A research agenda for circular food waste management in Bavaria.


  • Kathrin Auer
  • H. Rogers

A research agenda for circular food waste management in Bavaria.

In: Transportation Research Procedia (vol. 67) , pg. 131-136


DOI: 10.1016/j.trpro.2022.12.043

It is no exaggeration to say that food waste along the supply chain is becoming a significant problem for humanity. Food waste is expensive and damaging to the environment and climate e.g. Accorsi and Manzini (2019), Dani (2019), Dora et al. (2020). In Germany alone, food waste generates about 4 percent of the country's total annual greenhouse gas emissions (BMEL, 2022). Entrepreneurs are often perceived as the world's problem solvers. By offering innovative new products and services they are providing pathways to overcome some of the pressing global issues, including climate change. And more specifically innovative entrepreneurs, startups as well as established companies are actively seeking to tackle the problem of food waste using innovative business models and linking agile supply chains and production systems to these business models (Dora et al., 2020, Rogers and Srivastava, 2021). In Germany, for example, companies such as “Rettergut”, Knödelkult”, “Etepete” or “TooGoodToGo”, approach the problem of food waste with completely different business models. This ranges from saving “ugly” fruit and vegetables, to redistributing production surplus, as well as up-cycling food and creating (digital) platforms, to ensure surplus meets demand (Deutsche Umwelthilfe, 2021, Janssen, 2018). Other innovative business models (Baierl and Behrens, 2019), whereby imperfect produce, by-products of agriculture, waste and overproduction are efficiently used are part of this exploratory research. The authors create an overview of the status quo of the markets using the example of Germany's B2B food supply chain, covering market players, their transport-, sourcing and production strategies and business model applications. Many questions still need to be addressed, including the following: Can innovative business models from different industries be applied to food? Is the platform business model suitable for the reduction of food waste? Is it necessary for retailers - as the final (downstream) tier in the supply chain before the customer - to become more flexible regarding a varying supply of products? How can the sharing economy and regional or local sourcing add to a sustainable food supply chain/network? These and other pertinent questions will the addressed in this exploratory research, for which the answers will be sought by conducting interviews with key stakeholders within our network and examining use cases.
  • Kathrin Auer

A research agenda on business models and logistics concepts for food waste prevention. Posterpräsentation.

  • TUM Campus Straubing für Biotechnologie und Nachhaltigkeit.

Straubing 27.-29.09.2022.


  • Kathrin Auer

Geschäftsmodelle und Supply Chain-Konzepte zur Vermeidung von Lebensmittelverschwendung.

Technische Hochschule Deggendorf 20.01.2023.


  • Kathrin Auer

Your waste is my resource - Assessment of the waste potential of food supply chains for circular bioeconomy applications in the DACH- area.

Twente, The Netherlands 09.-12.07.2023.


  • Kathrin Auer

Prevent, rescue, or recycle: mapping innovative food loss and food waste business models in a circular economy context. Best PhD Presentation.

Leeds, England 09.01.2024.


  • Kathrin Auer
  • H. Rogers
  • B. Ivens

Factors for success and failure of decentralized circular food supply chains.

Bangkok, Thailand; Online 08.07.2024.


  • Kathrin Auer
  • H. Rogers
  • B. Ivens
  • A. Brem

Navigating Resource Scarcity: Insights into Logistics Challenges and Future Adaptations in Supporting Food Banks Across Europe.

Dublin, Ireland 05.09.2024.


  • Kathrin Auer
  • H. Rogers
  • B. Ivens

Leveraging Gleaning to Address Logistics Challenges in Food Bank Supply Chains Amid Resource Scarcity.

  • Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Medoza, Argentina.

Online 07.10.2024.
