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Mag. phil. Manuela Krawagna-Nöbauer, Bakk. phil.


Referentin Asienprojekte

ITC2 2.44


  • Michelle Cummings-Koether
  • Manuela Krawagna-Nöbauer
  • Franziska Durner

Unit Four. Posterpräsentation.

  • Technische Hochschule Deggendorf.

Deggendorf 23.03.2023.


  • Manuela Krawagna-Nöbauer

(M)Interkulturelle Trainings. Posterpräsentation.

  • Technische Hochschule Deggendorf.

Deggendorf 23.03.2023.


  • Manuela Krawagna-Nöbauer

Intercultural STEAM Trainings: Training the Workforce of the Future.

In: Bavarian Journal of Applied Sciences , pg. 6-17


DOI: 10.25929/384f-j783

Our world today is undergoing significant changes that are impacting society and business. Interdisciplinary skills are essential to manage this transformation constructively. Digital, technological, and intercultural skills are among the so-called future skills that have been defined as relevant in the newly evolving conditions. New training and educational formats are needed to meet these needs. A new training method of Intercultural STEAM Training is currently under development because research shows that intercultural exposure, experience, and training in school have multiple benefits. Its goal is to create a symbiosis of STEM training with intercultural training based on the STEAM approach. It is designed to increase motivation to engage in STEM and to develop intercultural competences in students aged between 12 and 16, as an adjustment screw along the educational chain. The design of the method takes the learning expectations of young generations into account. It contributes to providing the first elements of future skills at school age. The following literature review describes the societal framework that requires novel training methods. It presents the training concept and illustrates the need for and relevance of the new approach.
  • Manuela Krawagna-Nöbauer

Die kommunikative Aushandlung technischer Entwicklung im Spannungsfeld von Demokratie und Autokratie - Das medial vermittelte Chinabild und daraus resultierende Implikationen für interkulturelle Trainings.

  • Technische Hochschule Deggendorf.

Deggendorf 12.02.2025.