Ein Teil der Daten, die dieser Anbieter gesammelt hat, dient der Personalisierung und der Messung der Werbewirksamkeit.
Ein Teil der Daten, die dieser Anbieter gesammelt hat, dient der Personalisierung und der Messung der Werbewirksamkeit.
Ein Teil der Daten, die dieser Anbieter gesammelt hat, dient der Personalisierung und der Messung der Werbewirksamkeit.
What is the best way to design my cover letter? What points should I include in my CV? What is the difference between an obligatory and voluntary internship as well as working student position?
Do these questions accompany your application and do you still need help? Then please get in touch with the Career Service - we will be happy to help you.
No matter whether it's an internship, working student position, thesis or career entry - preparing an application often raises questions. We're there for you and will check the documents together with you.
Don't miss the chance to get to know application information first hand and learn about german standards for your application documents to be well prepared for your job entry in Germany.
In order to be perfectly prepared for a individual documents check with Career Service, please first see the recording of our Application Workshop on iLearn and revise your documents with those tips.
The iLearn Course also provides you with further useful tips on the application process in Germany.
Applications for English and Spanish speaking countries
Application advice: Wednesdays 1 - 3pm or by appointment, Deggendorf Campus, office B203.
The Career Service in Deggendorf campus, office B218/219 can also support you with the following things:
European Campus applications
Our European Campus Career's Advisor, Elfriede Hartmann, is happy to help and support with English or German written CVs and job applications. See Elfriede's contact details below.
Cham Technology Campus Applications
The Career Service is happy to support you with the preparation of English or German CVs and applications.
Application advice or CV check (English) by appointment with Claudia Potter.
2021 Event - VIRTUAL
Every spring, firstcontact student club organises a job fair in cooperation with the DIT Career Service. The fair is attended by around 180 companies, who exhibit to find talented and ambitious students for their payroll.
Alongside the job fair, the Career Service hosts seminars on writing successful job applications and on how to make the right impression to prospective employers, so that students can use the job fair to their full advantage.
Job fair jobs can be found on the DIT online job board. Read more details on the firstcontact website.
Event 2020 - CANCELLED
Every year, the Career Service organizes job forums together with faculties to give you the opportunity to get to know companies from your respective field of study.
At these forums you can personally chat to company reps in small groups to enquire about starting a career, salary or further development opportunities. These meetings are very informal and will give you exclusive impressions about potential employers. Initially, interesting short lectures are given to inform you about the companies in advance. Take the chance to build a personal network for your professional future.
The next job forums:
Please direct any enquiries to the Career Service via mail career-service@th-deg.de
Studying at DIT creates career opportunities. Practical experience is a crucial factor for orientation and insights into your dream job. However, it doesn’t always take time-intensive internships, though job shadowing you can gain a special glimpse or insight into the working world.
It is the opportunity to catch a glimpse into your dream job by following DIT alumni in their job for a day. By observing and working on small tasks, you can experience your dream job first hand.
Job shadowing is an exclusive offer for DIT students who are about to choose a degree major, or who are in the career orientation phase close to graduation. It aims to network students to regional and international companies and to make important contacts.
We aim to find shadowing positions for all subject areas. If you meet the demands of respective businesses, there is nothing standing in the way of your application!
In contrast to an internship in which you are actively involved in work, as a job shadower you get the chance to observe a specialist in their job. In job shadowing, you accompany the company representatives during their working day and gain insights into the corporate culture that should help you select a professional field. This extra-university experience enables you to better plan your career entry, develop yourself personally and, last but not least, make important professional contacts.
The duration is one day, and could possibly be scheduled as follows:
In preparation, you should ba able to answer these questions:
If you can answer all these questions, you are ready to apply for the job shadowing programme.
Apply with the necessary documents to the Career Service for one of the job shadowing positions on the job board:
Please note: On the job shadowing day, you are not insured by the company. In most cases, you will be expected to pay for travelling and accommodation costs yourself.
You can apply to these companies as a job shadower:
What are mentorships?
Mentorships are a targeted promotion of junior and executive staff. In the process, a professionally experienced expert (mentor) supports the learner (mentee) in further developing his or her personality and expanding professional skills. Mentoring consists primarily of passing on life and professional experience and the elements of coaching, counselling, support, networking and exchange of ideas. The role of mentor is intended for experienced professionals from a company or scientific research institution.
Mentees should be committed, open-minded and interested. For female engineering students, we currently offer the MovING - Mentoring Programme for Female Engineering and Computer Science Students.
Please contact us by sending an e-mail to mentoring@th-deg.de.
Aim of the MovING? programme
One of the main concerns of the Deggendorf Institute of Technology is to provide special support and assistance to female students of engineering and computer science during their studies. For this purpose, a mentoring programme MovING was created, which offers special assistance, support and tips. For this purpose, we provide you with a female engineer who has already established herself in professional life and is happy to pass on her experiences in her studies and professional life to female students. The aim of the mentoring programme is to support female students on their way to successful studies and professional life. Especially in virtual times, it is very important to establish contact with companies and network partners, despite contact restrictions, etc. It is especially important in virtual times to establish contact with companies and network partners.
The MovING programme starts in the summer semester. For one year, the female students are supervised and supported by their mentor. Meetings between mentor and mentee can be arranged individually and informally at any time as needed. The mentoring year is framed by voluntary seminars, get-togethers and networking meetings.
What does MovING Offer female students?
A short description of the programme
Mentoring begins at the start of the summer semester. The students are assisted and supported by their mentor for one year. Meetings between mentor and mentee can be scheduled informally at any time and as needed. The mentoring relationship is developed and deepened through relaxed meetings and get togethers.
If you are interested in participating contact mentoring@th-deg.de.
In our International Mentor Programme, we connect international students with alumni of DIT, themselves with an international background, who have successfully entered the German economy after their studies.
The programme is completely virtual and starts in November for the winter semester and in April for the summer semester.
Over a period of six months, the alumni (mentors) support their mentee in coping with new challenges and in their professional and personal development. Especially with regard to living and working in Germany. The mentoring can include the following aspects:
Interested international alumni or students of DIT are welcome to contact alumni@th-deg.de for detailed information on the programme.
The Career-Building Elements Programme The Career-Building Elements programme brings you together with other STEM enthusiasts and representatives of the working world of tomorrow, free of charge, while you study. It offers you a space for personal and professional development and prepares you individually for a successful start in your first professional position.
The German-language programme is divided into three modules: Inner Career, Outer Career and Networking. In the Inner Career module, you take part in seminars and workshops. The focus here is on your personal motivation and drive. Excursions to our partner companies in the External Career module will give you insights into technology and a market of opportunities. Networking is a common theme throughout the entire curriculum. You gain access to your own resilient and personal network.
The modules are implemented within three on-site schools that take place over the course of a year and are held at participating partner companies. This opens the doors to the practical side of the STEM world for you. You gain exclusive access and insights into a wide variety of working methods and corporate cultures. These experiences broaden your horizons, give you new perspectives for your development and create opportunities for networking and getting to know each other.
Application period: 25.9.2023 - 20.10.2023 by filling in the following application form!
An information session on the programme will be held on Monday, 16.10.2023, 13.00 in room D021.
We are also happy to answer your questions directly. Feel free to contact us at career-service@th-deg.de!
We are looking forward to your participation and interest!
Get involved as a mentor and benefit personally and professionally from your experience as a student ambassador, pupil or first-semester mentor. You can find out more about the individual mentoring programmes for students below.
First-semester students sometimes feel overwhelmed at the beginning of their studies and in their first semester. The transition from regular school life to independent academic work is often difficult. One of the university's goals is to support first-year students at the start of their studies. The Career Service contributes to this with a comprehensive first-semester mentoring programme. For each degree programme, new students receive optimal support from a mentor so they can integrate quickly into the university and complete their studies in good time and successfully.
It is not necessary to register for the programme, as each degree programme has its own first-semester mentor.
Students from higher semesters of each degree programme act as first-semester mentors for the new students. The following support is offered at approx. 8 appointments:
If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Vanessa Keilhofer.
Prospective students often have questions about the application process, the degree programme, the university or student life that only students can answer. As a student, you have already gone through the application process and the first time on campus and in lectures and can pass on your personal experiences to prospective students. If you are open-minded and enjoy helping others and would like to provide information about DIT and your degree programme, then become a student ambassador at DIT!
As a student ambassador, you will answer questions about DIT and give an honest and authentic account of your student life. In our student ambassador programme you will receive all the important information for your work and a contact option on our website where prospective students can write to you. It's up to you how you exchange information, whether via e-mail, phone or perhaps over a coffee.
Our student ambassadors can be found on our Ask the Student page.
If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Olha Boyko-Barea.
The Career Service offers interdisciplinary seminars, workshops and lectures which are designed to prepare you for the career market, guide you in your professional orientation and help you with job applications. Additionally, you will acquire important skills for your studies and personal development.
We offer a diverse range of courses and events; from academic dissertations, to a variety of software courses, to self-management and stress management seminars. We encourage you to take advantage of what we offer so that you are well equipped to start down your future career path. We hope you have fun and learn a lot, we look forward to your participation!
Informationen zu Themen der Seminare „Studien- und Persönlichkeitskompetenz" findest du übrigens auch im iLearn.
What will you learn in this course?
You will learn to organize, carry out and control learning tasks independently and thereby support the practical learning process of the trainees you will later be responsible for in your professional life.
When does the course take place?
DIT students will be informed per email about the specific dates and registration details.
If you have questions about this course please contact Iris Reul.
The AWP subject "Career, Study and Personal Skills" of the Career Service is designed to enable students to acquire and support personal, social and methodological skills in addition to the acquisition of professional skills.
The aim is to further develop the key qualifications.
The AWP subject consists of two sub-sections: "Career Competence" and "Study and Personal Competence".
Career competence: Application.
The seminars deal with the written application, the interview, assessment centre and various selection procedures. The aim is to prepare for the start of a career.
Study and personal competence: Topics such as rhetoric, communication, presentation and computer office programs as well as scientific work and intercultural training.
Detailed information about content and procedure can be found in the appropriate iLearn-course as well as here.
If you have any further questions, please contact Claudia Probst or the AWP- & Sprachenzentrum.
PLV courses are practical courses, the first one being before your internship and the second course after your internship. Some degree programmes have integrated Career Service seminars as part of the first practical course.
Bachelor degree programmes with practical Career Service seminars:
Registration for Career Service seminars. Please tick "PLV-Häkchen" during registration. Courses are free in the framework of the integral practical courses (PLV).
Find more details in each course on iLearn. Please direct any enquiries to Olga Stikel.