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From the World to The European Campus

29.6.2017 |

The KULTURcafé in Pfarrkirchen enjoyed a successful start

“What do you know about Nigeria?” Benedict Chika Ibolekwu asked the audience at the beginning of his talk. Fitting to the occasion, the Industrial Engineering student wore a multicoloured shirt from his home country. Using the motto “My Country and Germany” the European Campus launched Pfarrkirchen's first KULTURcafé in the "Glasbau" in April.


Apart from students, some locals who are curious to know more about the wide world, where Benedict und his fellow student Saei Barghamadi (Iran) und Nhan Bui (Vietnam) come from, attended the event.

At three tables each of the three young men talked about thier native countries and their experiences in Germany. Every 30 minutes visitors move from table to table so they had the possibility to listen to either of the speeches in a comfortable atmosphere. English skills were absolutely necessary because not everyone’s German was good enough to follow the whole conversation or to give a talk..

The KULTURcafé is firmly planned for the future, and an upcoming event will take place on 31st May in the Glasbau in Pfarrkirchen. From 6 – 8 pm students from other countries will introduce themselves and talk about their cultures.

Whoever wants to join can register for a fee of 3€ to Katharina Stöger (EC room 2.20, +49 (0) 991 3615 -261).