Ein Teil der Daten, die dieser Anbieter gesammelt hat, dient der Personalisierung und der Messung der Werbewirksamkeit.
Ein Teil der Daten, die dieser Anbieter gesammelt hat, dient der Personalisierung und der Messung der Werbewirksamkeit.
Ein Teil der Daten, die dieser Anbieter gesammelt hat, dient der Personalisierung und der Messung der Werbewirksamkeit.
Enviromental Engineering
“My first experience with the THD was my exchange semester in the General Engineering Program. It was an incredible experience getting to know a new country and its culture. Having classmates from different cities of the world allowed me to make international contacts and to develop as a person empathy towards others. I enjoyed every single trip and event that the University and AKI organized. The support and orientation from the international office members helped me to stay longer at the THD and continue as a regular student in the faculty of Environmental Engineering. Nowadays I am in 4th Semester and I have a part time student job as international tutor giving support the new regular students.
I am just grateful in every aspect with the THD and I recommend to 100% the THD as university to make your studies abroad.”
International Management
“I have been studying in Deggendorf ever since 2012. Deciding to study in Germany and choosing Deggendorf Institute of Technology as my university was definitely one of the best choices I have made in my life. The school is very vibrant and overflows with different kind of students and nationalities, while still keeping its pride as a proper cultural centre of Bavarian culture. The breath-taking nature surroundings of black forest and Danube perfectly complement the historical look of the city centre. During the summer semester, everyone goes out and enjoys the hot weather while barbequing next to the water, while during the winter semester you can enjoy watching Deggendorf hockey team play. The words can hardly describe the feeling I have every time I am entering this city.
However, I feel like the people I am surrounded by, play the most crucial role in my enjoyment of this place. Every day brings something new, new adventure, new unexplored places and new people from different corners of the world. I can honestly say, that some of my best friends and favourite memories are made at THD and in Deggendorf.
The structure of lectures lets you push yourself and bring the best there is in you. Lectures relate to small group works and discussions within them. I always feel like my opinion is being valued and that most of the professors take us as equals and play a big role in our future advancement. Even though I am a foreign student I fully feel like part of German community and I have been greatly supported throughout my studies at this university, whether it was moral or financial support.
The opportunities of studying at this university are countless and I can only recommend it to anyone that wishes to study in here."
“Das Studium an der Technische Hochschule Deggendorf bietet nicht nur eine hochqualitative Ausbildung, aufgrund der familiären Verhältnisse zwischen Professoren und Studierenden, sondern auch eine ausgezeichnete Unterstützung für die Internationalen Studenten.
Das International Office stellt nicht nur Zahlreiche Veranstaltungen zur Wahl, sondern hilft uns internationale Studierenden auch dabei, problemlos durchs Studium zur kommen.
Ich bin sehr froh, dass ich mich für THD entschieden habe.”
International Management
“Deggendorf and the DIT might just as well be among Bavaria’s best-kept secrets.
Nestled at the foot of the Bavarian foothills, this little town sure has a lot to offer, especially to those with a nature-loving spirit. With the Danube on one side and the Bavrian Forest on the other, nature enthusiasts have a wide range of landscapes to enjoy. From rowing in the summer to skiing in the winter, all of this will be at your fingertips in the event that you do choose to stay at Deggendorf.
The university itself, just like the litte town whose name it bears, has a lot to offer, especially in the sphere of internationalism. Thanks to the efforts of the IM program and the Interntional Office, DIT truly does have an international atmosphere to it, despite the fact that it is located deep in Bavaria. With a healthy influx of exchange students and regular foreign students, such as myself, DIT is deniably international in character. The internationalism doesn’t stop there. For regular IM students, it is required to stay abroad for at least one semester as an exchange student in order to broaden students’ horizons and encourage them to experience the world outside.
Although the first impression many a foreign student gets upon stepping off the train in Deggendorf is that he has chosen to study in the middle of nowhere, because oft the mix of the many exchange students whom DIT hosts every semester and the presence of clubs and bars, life in this small town does not have to be “boring.” In fact, most exchange students may find themselves a litte too distracted by all the partying and clubbing that they end up doing.
For those with itchy feet like me, there are many wonderful places to visit around Deggendorf. For example, we have charming little towns like Straubing and Passau, which you can reach in about thirty minutes. The Austrian border is just a stone’s throw away, and so is the Czech border, which means Prague is not too far away either. If you know how to, you can get there in five hours, and for less than the cost of going to Munich! Of course the Bavarian capital is nonetheless an experience to be had, and by train it is just an hour and a half away. And thanks to the Bayern Ticket, a special train fare offer, one has the opportunity to reach just about any corner of the largest German state for a reasonable price.
Personally, I am quite satisfied with my choice to embark on the IM journey as a regular student. The town and its location suit me well, and so does the wondrous beauty of its nature. The IM program and its structure also suit my preferences as a citizen of the world, and the regular arrival of young people from different parts of the globe can surely make the IM / DIT encounter a truly interesting experience.”
Pfarrkirchen (European Campus Rottal-Inn)
Andres, Bachelor International Tourism Management with a major in Health and Medical Toursim
"My name is Andres Bellido Ackermann, I was born and raised in Peru. I started studying International Tourism Management with a major in Health and Medical Toursim at European Campus Rottal-Inn in October 2015. I enjoyed my time here since I first arrived because all the people were really friendly and open to make new friends. Lots of students were willing to listen and learn about different cultures and also they wanted to teach others about their culture. I feel that there is a good benefit about being at European Campus because the attention to the students is personalized, there is always someone to help you with any course or paperwork issue.
Furthermore, I enjoy living in Pfarrkirchen, firstly, because it is a small city which has everything close, so for a student I think it is good because most of us do not own a car, so we are able to go to different places by bike and it takes less than 20 minutes. Secondly, it is cheaper to live here than in the big cities around Bayern."
Janis, International Tourism Management
"I personally love studying at the European Campus in Pfarrkirchen. After the holidays I am always looking forward to return to this place.
The characteristic that I enjoy the most is the personal relationship that everyone has. The university and the town might not be big, but therefore it is not anonymous like in universities in big cities, where everyone just passes each other without talking. The students all know each other, everyone lives close by, if you go to town you always meet other students and there are lots of events that bring everyone together.
Another aspect that makes the European Campus very special to me is the international one. I love being in contact with so many international students, hearing everyone talk in English and getting to know so many different nationalities and cultures! The staff is very helpful and regarding the professors there is always a possibility to get in personal contact with them in case of problems or questions.
Compared to big cities Pfarrkirchen is relatively small in size, but it has everything you need in walking distance. There are definitely enough supermarkets, there is a post office, doctors, bars, a swimming pool, bowling center, and lots of other places to go to! Still, I recommend to get a bike, as it makes transport easier and of course faster. If you enjoy nature (eg at the river Rott or the lake in Postmünster) and calm places instead of the rush and stress of bigger cities, then Pfarrkirchen is definitely the right place for you. And if you want to enjoy studying with international students in a close and personal community, then the European Campus is your place to study!"
Jessica, Master Medical Informatics
"My experience at the International Campus from the THD has been nice and challenging. I started in the second semester that the Campus opened, and it has been very nice to grow together with it, to see how the opportunities and activities for students grow day after day. I´ve never imagined to have so many friends all over the world in one place, and to learn from the cultural differences and traditions, to understand the different health systems and economies, but must important, to learn how to be a better person by cherishing all the indirect and direct experiences, values and, mindsets from my colleagues and professors.
Without any doubt, one of the most enriching experiences of my professional and personal life."
Kasun, Bachelor International Tourism Management with a major in Health and Medical Toursim
"First of I would like to say the European Campus Rottal-Inn is the best choice that I have ever made in my life.
There are plenty of reasons for that, but I would like to highlight the best reason. It is the campus is consist of high number of International Students which we could experience the different cultures and their life styles.
The Administration staff of the University is really in details of the things and they helped me from the day that I planned to apply for the University and till now. I highly recommended their willingness to help for the International Students on their all kind of study matters.
The European Campus Rottal-Inn conducts various kind of programs in which we can gain knowledge about the German culture and as well as the knowledge about the study fields. The class rooms and the all facilities that provide by University towards to students are really amazing. All the class rooms are equipped with new audio visual devices and it makes us really feel comfortable to focus on our lectures. The premises of the University is really calm and surrounding with green land which makes our minds relax when we come out from the University.
Pfarrkirchen city is small and really nice city which I ever saw in my life and everything is close-by according to your needs and wants. When you get out from your house you can walk to supermarkets, banks, restaurants, police, etc within few minutes. The city is so calm and clean which every one make feel to live here to feel that comfortable. As students we can directly focus on our studies at home since there we not so much disturbance from people and vehicles. The people of Pfarrkirchen are really friendly and always there to help us. If we go to any service providers there is always a staff member who speaks really good English which we can communicate with perfectly.
Finally I would like to say European Campus Rottal- Inn and Pfarrkirchen is the place that everyone who should visit If they want to feel the relax and calm with studies and life style."
Lionel, Master Medical Informatics
"My initial impression when I arrive in Pfarrkirchen was the countryside. I immediately felt love-struck as this little town made me feel at home as its landscape reminded me of the holidays in my village back in Cameroon. Also the environment is so relaxing and peaceful. You have everything within walking distance which makes live very easier, but always remember that shops are closed on Sundays and during public holidays so check your calendars to avoid any inconvenience.
Why the European campus Rottal - Inn in Pfarrkirchen? First of all its Master in Medical Informatics program is attracting due to my love for novel technologies and how they can improve our way of living, and the exposure that our lectures have from the domain. Then there are the facilities on campus such has a modern library, a well-equipped computer labs and lecture rooms making it a great place to study. Although I consider myself has a citizen of the world ,having lived, studied, and worked in multicultural and international cities like London and Cardiff (UK), I wanted to experience it again but a smaller scale reason of my choice for Pfarrkirchen which has an international aspect too.
The ECRI located in the small city (Pfarrkirchen) which carries the name of the county has a lot to offer especially in terms of traditions and German culture which makes it even more attractive to me. Gratitude to the efforts of the staffs, the student representation, the international tutors and the citizens of Pfarrkirchen who have helped me in one way or another to facilitate my integration in this wonderful town and at ECRI.
I am quite very happy with my option to undertake the MMI journey as a student at ECRI. All the way of this journey, I have met extraordinary and special people who have affected my life in many ways. I fell in love with the city, the people and its tradition and culture. I am grateful for the opportunity I am having at the ECRI and will be coming back even after I have left as it has already left a positive mark in my heart."
Samir, Master Medical Informatics
"I'm Samir irshaid from Palestine, I moved to Pfarrkirchen 1 year ago when I was accepted into the Master Medical Informatics program. When they accepted me at the European campus in Pfarrkirchen I asked about Pfarrkirchen but nobody knew about it. After I arrived here I was shocked, actually we were a few students, then when I mixed with the students and the people in Pfarrkirchen they were amazing as the people were nice and open to new cultures and proud of their own Bavarian culture. I visited many German cities but I loved the aspect of Germany that I found here.
Pfarrkirchen has an amazing future in every aspect as this campus opens new opportunities and new challenges to deal with, and I'm sure within 5 years it's going to be one of the most beautiful students city in Germany.
I am delighted to say that I have now in the third semester, actually this program is very interesting also the professors are awesome and treat us as family, I feel that I'm part of this family, since I came here I feel that it just like my home. With this master program I develop my skills and knowledge, the professors learned us how to enhance our skills, indeed I wish all the best for my professor and the administrative of the campus.
Finally I'm grateful to everyone who caught my hand and showed me onto the right road."